東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師ブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

英語講師として実践の場で役に立つTESL資格 - 英語教授法資格について (実践編)

2010-12-21 05:02:20 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Hi, thank you for reading my blog!!
Today, I'd like to continue yesterday's episode about "TESL Diploma."
*Here is the link of the previous blog:
After I quit one of the biggest English conversation schools in Japan, I went to Toronto, Canada again in order to learn how to teach English more effectively.
Actually, there were a lot of schools and colleges in Toronto that offer TESL Diploma course, but I chose the same school I learned English from 2003 to 2005.
The main reason is that the teachers' teaching skills were overall high, and the curriculum was practical enough to use English anywhere.
So I thought, as an English teacher, there were a lot of things I could learn!
The TESL course I took was an eight-week course.
In the TESL course, I had to write essays every week, I had to take tests every week, and the TESL teacher gave me a lot of assignments.
Needless to say, I was assigned to give 50-minute lessons every week!!
Though it was tough, I learned lots of important things as an English teacher, which include how to make a lesson plan, how to manage a class, how to teach more effectively, and so forth.
I've been using these skills a lot as an English teacher since coming back to Japan.
For example...
When I have time, I make a lesson plan for my English school, and the lesson plan is based on the one I learned from TESL Diploma course.
Anyway, if you choose an English school, big or small in Japan, I recommend you check if teachers have TESL Diploma or not.
You won't regret!!


本日は“英語講師として実践の場で役に立つTESL資格 - 英語教授法資格について (実践編)”です。

関連記事の“実践の場で役に立つTESL資格 - 英語教授法資格について(TESL資格を取得する動機編)”はこちら:




その学校のTESL Diplomaコースは、8週間のコースで中身は・・・毎週のエッセイの提出




それでは今日の英語での一言:"Don't forget your original resolution!"

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英語講師として実践の場で役に立つTESL資格 - 英語教授法資格について (TESL資格を取得する動機編)

2010-12-20 08:36:10 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good Monday morning!
Let's make a wonderful week!!
Today, I'd like to write about a TESL Diploma, which stands for Teaching English as a Second Language.
Now, I personally think TESL Diploma is a kind of must qualification as an English teacher.
When I started my career as an English teacher in a big English conversation school in 2006, I didn't have a TESL Diploma.
At that time, I just thought TESL Diploma was not necessary as an English teacher.
In a way, it was true if there was a solid teaching method, or a manual in a school.
However, time went by and I began to doubt if the company's teaching method was really helping students to improve their English abilitiy.
Therefore, I quit the English conversation school and went back to Toronto, Canada again to study how to teach English more effectively, and it was to get a TESL Diploma.
(To be continued...)


本日は“実践の場で役に立つTESL資格 - 英語教授法資格について(TESL資格を取得する動機編)”です。

あまり日本では馴染みの無いこのTESL Diploma(Teaching English as a Second Language Diploma)は、“英語教授法”の資格として他の国では知られています。

今では個人的に、このTESL DiplomaはTOEICと並ぶ“英語講師の必須資格”だと思えるくらい実践の場で役に立つ資格です。

しかしながら、2006年に大手英会話学校で英会話講師としてのキャリアを始めた際はTESL Diplomaを持っておらず、それどころかTESL Diplomaを必要と感じたこともありませんでした。

大手英会話学校でのティーチングはマニュアル化されていたため、TESL Diplomaの必要性を全く感じませんでした。
*TESL Diplomaは一人ひとりの英語講師の教える能力が大変重要になってきますが、大手の英語学校ですと、個々の能力は不必要で、TESL Diplomaは不必要な資格という位置づけだと感じます。




それでは今日の英語での一言:"Learning is the only way to improve our ability!"

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2010-12-19 09:42:29 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Today, I'd like to suggest a good English training for Beginners.
*Another training method "Ondoku - reading out loud" is here:
You know, if you want to improve your English, the most important thing is to "continue" everyday!!
However, it's tough to continue English training everyday, so I'd like to introduce an "easy & simple" English training!
What you need is "a pen & a notebook or a diary you are using now."
If you have a laptop computer, that works too.
How to do is very easy!
Just write about your day with one sentence.
For example, "I worked overtime.", "I met my friend and talked."
It's very easy and you can do anywhere, anytime, so please try this way!!









"I worked overtime."(残業した)
"I met my friend and talked."(友達と会って話した)


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2010-12-18 07:07:07 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Good morning, and thank you for reading my blog!!
Today, I’d like to introduce a good expression that you can use especially at this time of the year.
Right now in Japan, we are in an end-of-year party season, and you can use these expressions to start the party.
For example…

"Let's make a toast!"
"Bottoms up!"
"Raise your glass!"

Sometimes it’s good to use different expressions to start a party!!





"Let's make a toast!"
"Bottoms up!"
"Raise your glass!"


時には“乾杯”ではなく、“Cheers!” などの英語表現でパーティーや飲み会を始められてはいかがでしょうか?

それでは今日の英語での一言:“Enjoy using English!”

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2010-12-17 05:01:52 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning and thank you for reading my blog!
Yesterday, I went to Kawasaki to get Mr. Koji Takeuchi, who was a lecturer of Kawasaki business seminar I attended from this Sep to Nov, to take a consultation with my English school's business plan.
I really appreciate to Mr. Takeuchi and Mr. Nagashima for this opportunity.
*The previous episode of consulting with Mr. Takeuchi is here:
The main subject I asked him about was about how to make my English school business successful!
He gave me some advice, for instance…
- I should make my homepage right now!
- I ought to keep looking for the best place!
- I need to think about how to advertise my lessons & products!
and so on…
I’ve learned a lot and I realized that I still have a lot of things to do!!
First, I will make my homepage and put it on the web, and when I make it, I will let everyone know about it on this blog!
So, when you have time, I would like you to check out my homepage.
I will take a step by step to make my English successful!!




昨日は川崎市産業振興会館において、川崎起業家塾でもお世話になりました 竹内幸次先生、ならびに財団の長島さんに“英語学校起業に関するコンサルティング”をしていただきました。






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Step by step, Little by little!!"

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2010-12-16 07:53:17 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
Hi, how are you doing?
The topic I'd like to write about is a small difference between "Canadian English" and "American English" today.
Since I stayed in Canada, I'm familiar with Canadian (Torontonian) English.
So, it's sometimes difficult for me to catch British English or Australian English.
Anyway, while staying in Canada, I had a chance to travel to New York in the U.S. and noticed that their pronunciation is slightly different and the vocabulary is also different!!
For example....
In Canada, people say "candy bar, pop, highway"
However, in the U.S., people say "chocolate bar, soda, freeway"
Before I went to Canada, I thought there were differences only between "British English" and "American English"; however, I was surprised to find out that there is a difference between "Canadian English" and "American English"!
This might be just a trivia, but you should remember the differences and use them correctly!!

You can eat this Coffee Crisp (chocolate bar) in Canada!
It tastes good!!






カナダでは "candy bar, pop, highway"と言うのに対し、
アメリカでは "chocolate bar, soda, freeway"と言います。



それでは今日の英語での一言:"Enjoy the difference!!"

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2010-12-15 07:53:18 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning.
Thank you for reading my blog today too!
The other day, I had a chance to visit some shops and retailers in Sagamihara-city to listen to their business experiences.
First, I visited a coffee bean shop "Emilu" which Mr. Koji Takeuchi, who is a lecturer at the seminar I attended in Kawasaki, recommended.
The coffee bean shop's manager, Mr. Yoshida, was a really nice person and he took the trouble to take some time and teach me how to make good coffee, how to choose good coffee beans, and other useful tips about business.
I felt it was really worth going there and talking with him; moreover, after I told him about my English school plan, he introduced his friend’s café, which has experienced having English conversation lessons in the café.
I was able to get some useful information there too thanks to Mr. Suzuki, who is an owner of the café "Yokoyamadai Coffee Kan".
Overall, they gave me a lot of positive energy!!
From now, I’ll do what I need to do simply to make my English successful!!
*The related subject is here:










それでは今日の英語での一言: “Smile & keep positive mind!”

P.S. アポなしで行ったにも関わらず、お忙しい中、親切丁寧に対応していただきまして大変感謝しております。ありがとうございました。

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2010-12-14 04:58:37 | 英語講師の日記
Hi, good morning, and thank you for checking out my blog!!
At this time of a year in Japan, one Chinese character that represents the year is announced.
This years's Chinese character was "暑" that means "hot".
(FYI: Last year's one was "新" that means "new")

Now it's winter, and I tend to forget how hot this summer was, however, when I saw this Chinese character "暑", it just reminded me the hot summer!!
Anyway, today, I'd like to choose an English vocabulary word that represents my 2010!!
The word I'd like to choose for myself is...


It's because...
"I started this blog."
"It was my first time to attend some business seminars and I was able to learn something very important to launch my own English school."
"I started to teach elementary school student", and so on.
I personally think "challenge" really represents my 2010 as an English vocabulary word, and I'm glad to choose it.
What vocabulary word would you personally choose?






その英単語が "challenge" (挑戦)です。


今年ほど "challenge" という英単語が、自分を表現する年は今までにありませんでしたので、いろいろなことに "challenge" ができたという点では、個人的にとても良い年だったと思います!!


それでは今日の英語での一言:"Be positive and everything will be fine!"

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ビジネス英語 - 電話で相手の名前を尋ねるひとこと

2010-12-13 07:41:00 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Good morning!
It's about 20 days left this year.
Time flies, doesn't it?
Anyway, today, I'd like to pick up a telephone expression that you can use in a business situation.
*The previous topic of "how to say Otsukaresama in English" is here:
I know that it's difficult to talk in English on the phone, and sometimes you might want to avoid picking up the phone.
It's because...
what if unknown person calls???
what if you can't catch what his/her name is???
If you can't catch who the caller is, there is a chance that you might have a little panic!!
In this case, the following expressions might help you!!
"Excuse me, who is this?"
"Can I ask who is calling, please?"
These expressions above will help you ask the caller's name on the phone.
Just take a deep breath & relax before picking up the phone!!


本日は“ビジネス英語 - 電話で相手の名前を尋ねるひとこと”です。

前回の“とっさのひとことビジネス英語 - 仕事の終わりのひとこと 英語でのお疲れ様の表現”はこちら:





"Excuse me, who is this?"
"Can I ask who is calling, please?"



それでは今日の英語での一言:"Just take a deep breath & relax before picking up the phone!!"

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英語学習において目標&ゴールを持つ意味合いについて 英語学校設立の点から思うこと

2010-12-12 09:25:17 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning.
How are you enjoying this winter weekend?
Today’s topic is about“how important to set a goal in English study.”
Currently, I'm lucky to be able to teach quite a variety of people ranging from elementary school student to my parents' age students at a café.
From last week's lessons, I learned an important lesson from some students that “English learners should have a goal!!”
It doesn’t matter if the goal is a short-term goal or long-term.
The most important point is that each English learner strives to achieve the goal with fun!
For example, my elementary school student decided to take the Eiken next January even though she started learning English seriously this summer.
Another case is that my high school student is trying to get 730 in TOEIC next March.
I, as an English teacher, was quite impressed by their ideas because they set their own goals by themselves and motivate themselves!!
I mean, of course, it's important to be motivated by others, however, the most important thing is to motivate yourselves by yourselves.
Hopefully, when I set up my own English school, I'll be able to motivate my students to set their own goals!!
Now, all I need to do is to work hard!!


本日は“英語学習において目標&ゴールを持つ意味合いについて 英語学校設立の点から思うこと”です。










それでは今日の英語での一言:"Now, all I need to do is to work hard!!"

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