Hey everyone! Tom here.
Last week was our Kashii ha Marché Halloween Party! Thank you to everyone who made it out; it was a great party with amazing costumes!
Emi and I opened the event talking about the history of Halloween. Then, everyone did the Skeleton Dance together. Dem bones, Dem bones!
Then it was time for everyone to enjoy some games and food. Don't forget your tickets, though!
Two tickets please!
In the game room, everyone enjoyed Super Ball Catching...

...and the Ring Toss!
When I tried the Ring Toss before the party started, I scored ZERO points myself...
In the Art Room, we had Nail Art and Body Painting!
So many designs to choose from!
I want the skeleton please!
Big thanks to Pain Stock as always for supplying delicious bread for our event! Yummy!
Then, it was time for our special guest, Nadja, to put on a show. Nadja is from Mozambique in Africa and has a simply amazing voice. There was singing and dancing, and everyone loved listening to his music!

Thank you for coming and performing, Nadja! You can learn more about him
Finally, we had our fashion show! The kids came out and put on a great show.
Good job to everyone who entered!
Then it was time to close the event. I was so happy that everyone had fun! See you next year!