BS歴史館 江戸のスーパー変革者(2)「心の壁を打ち破れ! 上杉鷹山」
BS歴史館 江戸のスーパー変革者(2)「心の壁を打ち破れ! 上杉鷹山」
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, by Isabella L. Bird
The Plain of Yonezawa
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
Isabella L. Bird
Part 3 out of 6
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan by Isabella L. Bird (3) イザベラ・バード/イサベラ・バード 『日本奥地紀行』『イザベラ・バードの日本紀行』 (3)
It was a lovely summer day, though very hot, and the snowy peaks of Aidzu scarcely looked cool as they glittered in the sunlight. The plain of Yonezawa, with the prosperous town of Yonezawa in the south, and the frequented watering-place of Akayu in the north, is a perfect garden of Eden, “tilled with a pencil instead of a plough,” growing in rich profusion rice, cotton, maize, tobacco, hemp, indigo, beans, egg-plants, walnuts, melons, cucumbers, persimmons, apricots, pomegranates; a smiling and plenteous land, an Asiatic Arcadia, prosperous and independent, all its bounteous acres belonging to those who cultivate them, who live under their vines, figs, and pomegranates, free from oppression — a remarkable spectacle under an Asiatic despotism. Yet still Daikoku is the chief deity, and material good is the one object of desire.
BS歴史館 江戸のスーパー変革者(2)「心の壁を打ち破れ! 上杉鷹山」
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, by Isabella L. Bird
The Plain of Yonezawa
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
Isabella L. Bird
Part 3 out of 6
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan by Isabella L. Bird (3) イザベラ・バード/イサベラ・バード 『日本奥地紀行』『イザベラ・バードの日本紀行』 (3)
It was a lovely summer day, though very hot, and the snowy peaks of Aidzu scarcely looked cool as they glittered in the sunlight. The plain of Yonezawa, with the prosperous town of Yonezawa in the south, and the frequented watering-place of Akayu in the north, is a perfect garden of Eden, “tilled with a pencil instead of a plough,” growing in rich profusion rice, cotton, maize, tobacco, hemp, indigo, beans, egg-plants, walnuts, melons, cucumbers, persimmons, apricots, pomegranates; a smiling and plenteous land, an Asiatic Arcadia, prosperous and independent, all its bounteous acres belonging to those who cultivate them, who live under their vines, figs, and pomegranates, free from oppression — a remarkable spectacle under an Asiatic despotism. Yet still Daikoku is the chief deity, and material good is the one object of desire.