戦闘艦大全 Combat Ships
というシリーズの 冷戦時代 Cold War の回で知ったのだが、英海軍の原潜コンカラー (HMS Conqueror, S48) が、フォークランド戦争でアルゼンチンの巡洋艦ヘネラル・ベルグラノを撃沈して帰投してすぐ、秘密任務に就いていたんだって。
Operation Barmaid[と、英文には記載あり]
Later in 1982, Conqueror completed a raid to acquire a Soviet sonar array from its Polish-flagged tow-boat. The operation, a joint mission between British and American forces, was conducted on the boundary of Soviet territorial waters. Conqueror used cutters affixed to her bow to shear through the three-inch thick wire before silently returning to her base on the Clyde.
HMS Conqueror's biggest secret: a raid on Russia - Telegraph
Conqueror submarine's silent service - YouTube
Secrets of the Conqueror by Stuart Prebble – review | Books
In 1982, A UK Sub Stole a Top Secret Soviet Sonar Device
というシリーズの 冷戦時代 Cold War の回で知ったのだが、英海軍の原潜コンカラー (HMS Conqueror, S48) が、フォークランド戦争でアルゼンチンの巡洋艦ヘネラル・ベルグラノを撃沈して帰投してすぐ、秘密任務に就いていたんだって。
Operation Barmaid[と、英文には記載あり]
Later in 1982, Conqueror completed a raid to acquire a Soviet sonar array from its Polish-flagged tow-boat. The operation, a joint mission between British and American forces, was conducted on the boundary of Soviet territorial waters. Conqueror used cutters affixed to her bow to shear through the three-inch thick wire before silently returning to her base on the Clyde.
HMS Conqueror's biggest secret: a raid on Russia - Telegraph
Conqueror submarine's silent service - YouTube
Secrets of the Conqueror by Stuart Prebble – review | Books
In 1982, A UK Sub Stole a Top Secret Soviet Sonar Device