Sir Patrick Moore: Fallen star | The Economist
Sir Patrick Moore, 1923 - 2012
BBC News - Sir Patrick Moore, astronomer and broadcaster, dies aged 89
BBC News - Obituary: Patrick Moore
Sir Patrick Moore obituary | Science | The Guardian
Sir Patrick Moore: the eccentric amateur who became a TV star
Sir Patrick Moore - Telegraph
Sir Patrick Moore dies aged 89 - Telegraph
Sir Patrick Moore's dying wish to turn his home into a museum.
What a star: Queen guitarist Brian May bought Patrick Moore's house to give the astronomer a secure home in his old age
パトリック・ムーア氏のこと: 天文古玩
Sir Patrick Moore, 1923 - 2012
BBC News - Sir Patrick Moore, astronomer and broadcaster, dies aged 89
BBC News - Obituary: Patrick Moore
Sir Patrick Moore obituary | Science | The Guardian
Sir Patrick Moore: the eccentric amateur who became a TV star
Sir Patrick Moore - Telegraph
Sir Patrick Moore dies aged 89 - Telegraph
Sir Patrick Moore's dying wish to turn his home into a museum.
What a star: Queen guitarist Brian May bought Patrick Moore's house to give the astronomer a secure home in his old age
パトリック・ムーア氏のこと: 天文古玩