


2010-11-13 02:00:39 | Weblog
02:10 from web (Re: @yoko
@yoko @Tricky_Mickey Influenza is prevailing by my area. It takes time for this influenza to recover.
17:11 from web (Re: @yoko
@yoko It would be being womanizer. It is a joke.
17:33 from Twitpic

- This would be splendid photo.
17:45 from web (Re: @TAMARANGUYEN648
@TAMARANGUYEN648 I am not necessary.
18:06 from web
@_senri I will pressent "Angel's pants" to you. < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqXRs7JLUp8 >
19:09 from web
@GypsyRaven The bivalve. If ones open the shellfish. It is scramble of the cards. This is "Purple willow" of Japan.
22:11 from goo
Of the digitalization of the recording mode of the recording記事のタイトルを入力してください(必須) #goo_chihara_july_002 http://bit.ly/bGDRBC
22:20 from goo
About the digitalization of the sound #goo_chihara_july_002 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/ea0e35cf9e662041d97f06ddc6f020db
by numchay on Twitter