


2011-04-09 01:37:08 | Weblog
20:25 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan The sun is better arriving but the earthquake must not arrive.
20:29 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi Let's participate a lot in the wedding.
20:37 from web
2011年4月8日(金)| NHKニュースウオッチ9 春ちゃん写真館 http://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/nw9/haruchan/photo/index.cgi?entry=20110408_1
koinoboriga yorokonnde inasu.
20:46 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi The proper noun is put out, the person's criticism is useless.
20:54 from web (Re: @kanda_daisuke
@kanda_daisuke Please pass on the example of the tsunami damage to a lot of people.
21:12 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It is a wonderful works but is producings by whom?
21:20 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 東電は計画停電を打ち切りhttp://bit.ly/e8XncJ
22:36 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA The sun is crying because of the tsunami hazard due to the large earthquake of Japan.
22:48 from web (Re: @OfficialTEPCO
@OfficialTEPCO Do you think destruction by the disconnection of my submerged pump to be a natural damage?
22:54 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan Let's work hard without defeating to the earthquake.
23:37 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus I would be being able to pick up the littleneck clam before too long in general.
by numchay on Twitter