


2012-04-19 01:25:46 | Weblog
20:58 from web
トーラス室は原子炉格納容器の下部に、圧力抑制室を囲む様に配置 twme.jp/tenu/004F @igris5

21:09 from Tweet Button
reikam23さんの写真 instagr.am/p/JjX0eSNa96/ @instagramさんから Do you strike to the fingernail of the hand the nails?

21:46 from web
Is that the airplane is shouldering a what? pic.twitter.com/DNyMtjPo @roishi2j2

21:54 from Tweet Button
KDDI、au絵文字をドコモと統一 「同じ絵文字で他社とメールを」 twinavi.jp/article/societ… @twinaviさんから This is convenient but the charge of the cellular phone might be bulky.

22:09 from web
I think that it is preferable not to substitute the image of the icon as much as possible. @twinavi

by numchay on Twitter