18:48 from web
With whom does it? fb.me/t7HsueJZ @DateConfidence
18:50 from web
事実関係をホームぺージに掲載 twme.jp/TEPC/00BJ @igris5
19:08 from web
The what of the kind of the seed would be being good. fb.me/O5a16ySm @DateConfidence
19:13 from web (Re: @masato_net)
@masato_net それではゆっくり寝てください。
19:21 from web
It would be being a tree of happiness. Tweet Buttonから @DateConfidence
20:00 from web
I think that I can do the will communication well if speaking in dialect. fb.me/O3JXHv6Z @DateConfidence
21:01 from twinavi
Which URL is "This article"? That does not understand to me. twinavi.jp/article/genera…
by numchay on Twitter
With whom does it? fb.me/t7HsueJZ @DateConfidence
18:50 from web
事実関係をホームぺージに掲載 twme.jp/TEPC/00BJ @igris5
19:08 from web
The what of the kind of the seed would be being good. fb.me/O5a16ySm @DateConfidence
19:13 from web (Re: @masato_net)
@masato_net それではゆっくり寝てください。
19:21 from web
It would be being a tree of happiness. Tweet Buttonから @DateConfidence
20:00 from web
I think that I can do the will communication well if speaking in dialect. fb.me/O3JXHv6Z @DateConfidence
21:01 from twinavi
Which URL is "This article"? That does not understand to me. twinavi.jp/article/genera…
by numchay on Twitter