


2012-07-23 01:30:30 | Weblog
14:28 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez Qu'est-ce que ce que le nom de l'acteur.

14:45 from Tweet Button
Indulge In Romantic Moments ロマンスを味わう nblo.gs/A76Q3 Please explain concretely what the romance is.

18:47 from Tweet Button
世界中の女性に使って欲しい「自信を持たせる鏡」 nblo.gs/A9oDk When self became obedient feelings, self would be being looking beautiful among the mirror.

19:30 from Tweet Button
「あなたは嘘をつきますか?」に対して正直にどう答えますか? nblo.gs/A9myb There is "Lie is expedient" proverb in our country.

21:34 from Google
It seems to be a debut tune of Ms.Hiroko Naitou. It is becoming song steady fr (@YouTube youtu.be/Y3Y3HrEwlZU?a)

by numchay on Twitter