


2012-08-08 01:30:38 | Weblog
02:37 from Tweet Button
彼氏とケンカをするのって、仲が悪い証拠?仲が良い証拠? nblo.gs/AGR44 It would be being actually evidence with a good relations.

04:07 from web
Thank you for the comment to me. Kamagaya City exists in the prefecture west, and is in contact with Tokyo. @SimonBoylan

12:14 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給67 LIVE(生きる) nblo.gs/AI3y2 Because your "Driver of the life" is yourself, any life is lived in the situation of you.

12:18 from web
配電の取り組みシリーズの第2回「停電の復旧作業」を公開 twme.jp/TEPC/00DP @igris5

by numchay on Twitter