

Signpost in country

2013-01-03 19:55:27 | Weblog

Our country will be among the staircase landing now.

So to speak, we are like living in an ancient house which roofed it to the pillar without the foundation.  Because there are a lot of natural damages recently,what is the most important to make the solid footing.  I feel that the disaster by the tsunami became a chance for that.  In the future, I want you to do the restoration on the solid footing (foundation) when the disaster is revived.  I think that I should be going to set up the specific aim with the revival of the disaster in the future and play the leader role of Asia as an advanced country.



2013-01-03 01:34:22 | Weblog

@nanonano_me "zouni" that ate this morning was very delicious.

RT @ruslansv: 問題なく、明日の仕事に@twitterを支持しに行く前にリラックスする時間といくつかを蹴って、漿液にすることは2013年に隣接します。I would be not being pursue the one of impossibility.

@DateConfidence 愛嬌のある顔が愛される nblo.gs/GB1Tt It would be having because you love.

@DateConfidence  甘えさせてくれる人に甘え方を学ぶ nblo.gs/GBBux A man is weak to the woman's envy.

RT @nhk_chiba: Eテレ 2 日 (水)夜10 時~スーパープレゼンテーション 新春SPの放送ラッカ~ Is there a school of the name called a Chiba junior high school?

@DateConfidence 日本では日本茶、英国では紅茶 nblo.gs/GBBuy The degree of ripeness of tea would be being high.