@Gr8TumblrPost The referral of my song is only attractive one to the melody and lyrics.
@Via Tumblr Of chat with the person, the metaphor and the decorated a language would be coming to increase more than the real intention.
@ViiaTumblrr I am able to understand well it wants to say from richness of your feelings and an excellent brain.
@ViiaTumblrr It would be having to endure patiently and to wait to fulfill hope.
@Gr8TumblrPost If it is a man, woman's hips should not be chased.
@Gr8TumblrPost The men-women relationship would be being agree with if feelings are corresponding.
退屈しているティーンエイジャーは問題をつづります、そして、これは、世界でくり抜かれたMOSTです。(A bored teen spells trouble, and this one is the MOST bored in... fb.me/3SAYQl7Rv
NHK chiba
6日(月)[総合]午前11:05~「ひるまえほっと」 月曜日は関東1都6県各地の放送局との中継リレー。旬な映像が楽しめます。千葉放送局は松田玲奈キャスターが担当します。nhk.or.jp/shutoken/hirum…
@ViiaTumblrr Your true single would be being good.
@Gr8TumblrPost It would be being a difference of parents' ideas and your ideas.
@ViiaTumblrr If a lot of sentences of the same person are read, I come to understand the person's idea.
@Gr8TumblrPost The training shirt and the jeans pants are suited.
@ViiaTumblrr There is "Person fall in love twice" on a language of Japan.