18:48 from Tweet Button
こうゆう日記を書く子がいる #小学生あるある http://t.co/lRKgk4I6 via @twitpic "Gomorrah" has not been listed to the dictionary. Are you what a person?
18:59 from web (Re: @hagetoruyanaika)
@hagetoruyanaika A modern entertainer would be being only a self-satisfaction.
by numchay on Twitter
こうゆう日記を書く子がいる #小学生あるある http://t.co/lRKgk4I6 via @twitpic "Gomorrah" has not been listed to the dictionary. Are you what a person?
18:59 from web (Re: @hagetoruyanaika)
@hagetoruyanaika A modern entertainer would be being only a self-satisfaction.
by numchay on Twitter