


2015-07-05 01:33:54 | Weblog

Via Tumblr @ViiaTumblrr The person would be hoping to become a person useful by living by the society and working. twitter.com/ViiaTumblrr/st…

NHK chiba 2日(木)に放送した「首都圏ネットワーク」のリポート動画『“爆買い”成田空港で思わぬ影響が』をアップしたラッカ!千葉局ホームページの『最新リポート』動画をみる nhk.or.jp/chiba/videonew… twitter.com/nhk_chiba/stat…

NHK chiba これからの番組・1週間分7/4(土)~10(金)放送 千葉に関する番組の放送予定をアップしたカラね♪ →nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…twitter.com/nhk_chiba/stat…

NHK chiba 3日(金)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ちば☆スポ」をアップ!テーマは「いよいよ開幕 夏の高校野球千葉大会」だカラね♪→ nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra… twitter.com/nhk_chiba/stat…

Twitterサポート "Introduction" アカウントに携帯電話番号を登録しておくと、ログイン認証などのセキュリティ機能を利用できるので、アカウントの保護に役立ちます。 support.twitter.com/articles/20172…twitter.com/TwitterHelpJP/…

Twitter Support @Support EメールアドレスがTwitterを最大限に活用するために確認されるのを確実にしてください! 苦労しますか? ヘルプがここにあります。support.twitter.com/articles/82050 twitter.com/Support/status…

@7770_katusan The person would be hoping to become a person useful by living by the society and working.

Via Tumblr @ViiaTumblrr I am expressing sentences in all the comments by the sense of equality. twitter.com/ViiaTumblrr/st…

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox My comment would be hoping to want all the people to express sentences by equality. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

Let's stop every comment that damages person's mind. fb.me/3o2MrN4zf

"Specialist" is that the person who achieves the result of the transitory will be said. But it ends by it if there is no development.

The work that I had done was to have fostered scholastic attainments and communications based on person's psychology.

池田輝郎『港町しぐれ』(本人歌唱・フルコーラス) youtu.be/dBhJ1ix5C-4 @YouTubeさんから @7770_katusan

Via Tumblr @ViiaTumblrr To kill the person would be not being forgiven even if any reason exists. twitter.com/ViiaTumblrr/st…

Via Tumblr @ViiaTumblrr It is not preferable that the person gives domination to allow someone to come near. twitter.com/ViiaTumblrr/st…

It is not preferable that the person gives domination to allow someone to come near.

To near:"千葉県 市原市" within:15mi
So as not to do Tweet in sentences of the content risky, let's bear it in mind.

To near:"千葉県 市原市" ・・ @SimonBoylan So as not to do Tweet in sentences of the content risky, let's bear it in mind.

