


2011-02-07 01:30:49 | Weblog
14:05 from web (Re: @karenhow68
@karenhow68 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/d0ac8e8acd5fd1523890565527da3b70
14:43 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder It would be attacking by SF if it is among the room covered with the snow every night.
14:47 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It would be being a joke.
14:57 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA If you are attacked, can you dodge it?
15:03 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Please teach it, what kind of food the dried mullet roe is.
15:13 from web (Re: @yurikos
@yurikos @nhk_suiensaa As for the science programme of BBC, the video is clearly and is comprehensible.
15:35 from web (Re: @fakejinen
@fakejinen I am a white, black medium.
15:54 from web
@watabe1972 Is your special menu a what?
18:25 from goo
TPPを受け入れるべきか #goo_chihara_july_002 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/bd85c1af3c150063dd7a6bc5cc6b2a90
18:31 from web
@Tanigaki_S TPPを受け入れるべきか。 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/bd85c1af3c150063dd7a6bc5cc6b2a90.
by numchay on Twitter

