


2012-03-07 01:32:51 | Weblog
20:00 from web
I did not go to Phuket but is the spectacle wonderful? amba.to/zxMDdj @reikamiyazaki

20:16 from Tweet Button
IE6撲滅へ:日本マイクロソフト、 twinavi.jp/article/genera… @twinaviさんから A lot of programs would be not having function of a browser of IE7 or less.

20:28 from Tweet Button
これが『土下座』ならぬ『土下寝』なのか twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから The reason of this cat's shape would be being that it is very comfortable.

20:34 from web
At last, did the spring come? It bed hard up. @nhk_suiensaa

20:40 from Tweet Button
FBでみたパンダおにぎり。可愛くて食べれん。 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから It would be being a little small in this panda.

20:47 from web
This would be being too an adorable. pic.twitter.com/m55iCPnO @mochicapcipcup

20:55 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Do you say that it is trivial?

21:01 from web (Re: @andersoncooper
@andersoncooper @YouTube @Anderson I am sporting by it.

21:08 from Tweet Button
やめとけ。おまえには無理だ。 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから The cat also has wisdom of Monju.

21:18 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Does the earthquake happen at San Francisco? (Is it true?)

21:46 from Tweet Button
今日の『 はーと 』 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから Let's I am doing what lay a blanket to this photograph.

by numchay on Twitter

