


2011-04-15 01:37:01 | Weblog
20:32 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan At last, the cherry blossom began to scatter with my district.
21:23 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S Because Touden did my occasion natural disaster treatment, the seismic hazard too should do treatment like me.
22:28 from web (Re: @Yuki_Nishida
@Yuki_Nishida The method of the energy conservation of the electric power would be being diverse.
23:09 from web (Re: @ebiita
@ebiita It would be being that the area devastated by an earthquake revives early.
23:15 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu ?? ??????? ??????
23:27 from web (Re: @yoko
@yoko An impressive serif of my a district is "いいわよ".
23:33 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Your externals like you are "The hawk that has the ability hides the fingernail".
23:44 from web (Re: @mainichijpedit
@mainichijpedit The poor people entreatment is an act the lowest.
23:50 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan The weather forecast that I can trust is a weather chart.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-14 02:32:14 | Weblog
00:07 from web (Re: @Brianneqer
@Brianneqer The greater embraces the less.
01:39 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S The essence of the practice is not a leaf of the terminal of a tree but the root in the underground.
02:21 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu ??? ???????
05:07 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Wanting to say on this page doesn't understand.
05:08 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke I wish you sweet dreams!
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-14 01:36:40 | Weblog
00:07 from web (Re: @Brianneqer
@Brianneqer The greater embraces the less.
01:39 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S The essence of the practice is not a leaf of the terminal of a tree but the root in the underground.
02:21 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu ??? ???????
05:07 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Wanting to say on this page doesn't understand.
05:08 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke I wish you sweet dreams!
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-11 01:36:23 | Weblog
14:49 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Full-bloomed cherry blossoms are very splendid.
14:54 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu Thank you for always introducing a splendid an animation.
15:04 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius You are doing a luxurious meal.
15:13 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan Do you have a frustration?
16:04 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA There are no moods with the leeway because the Japanese has a lot of worrying that depends now on the earthquake.
16:40 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi There are no moods with the leeway because the Japanese has a lot of worrying that depends now on the earthquake.
17:14 from web (Re: @sophiemiaj
@sophiemiaj Who would be being electing as a result of the Tokyo gubernatorial election?
21:49 from goo
U.S.determine 80K at evacuation order ass... #goo_chihara_july_002 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/9ec477f0e7df94af9b4307d5d955c5fe
22:03 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke Thank you for a fast information.
22:06 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 米避難勧告仮定で80キロ判断 (byNHK)
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-10 01:36:14 | Weblog
00:36 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan After the severe earthquake it would be being see the scary dream.
00:58 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Do you like to see the cooking a program?
01:36 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus This is a story from which slaver seems to put it out.
03:08 from web
@NHK_onair NHK refuses the comment of the Wall in facebook. This is truly unpleasant.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-09 01:37:08 | Weblog
20:25 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan The sun is better arriving but the earthquake must not arrive.
20:29 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi Let's participate a lot in the wedding.
20:37 from web
2011年4月8日(金)| NHKニュースウオッチ9 春ちゃん写真館 http://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/nw9/haruchan/photo/index.cgi?entry=20110408_1
koinoboriga yorokonnde inasu.
20:46 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi The proper noun is put out, the person's criticism is useless.
20:54 from web (Re: @kanda_daisuke
@kanda_daisuke Please pass on the example of the tsunami damage to a lot of people.
21:12 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It is a wonderful works but is producings by whom?
21:20 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 東電は計画停電を打ち切りhttp://bit.ly/e8XncJ
22:36 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA The sun is crying because of the tsunami hazard due to the large earthquake of Japan.
22:48 from web (Re: @OfficialTEPCO
@OfficialTEPCO Do you think destruction by the disconnection of my submerged pump to be a natural damage?
22:54 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan Let's work hard without defeating to the earthquake.
23:37 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus I would be being able to pick up the littleneck clam before too long in general.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-07 01:35:28 | Weblog
19:24 from Google
This march tune was used in the entrance procession of Tokyo Olympics. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/r2RJRbL-4DQ?a)
20:14 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki This ring is like things in a shachihoko.
20:32 from web (Re: @sophiemiaj
@sophiemiaj After big bang happens, universe is repeating the dilation and contraction.
21:25 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu @YouTube Do you like "Womanizer"?
21:31 from web
@boatchandesu ??? ??????? ??? ????
23:26 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr この行進曲は東京オリンピックの入場行進に使われました。 http://youtu.be/r2RJRbL-4DQ?a
23:48 from goo
Thank you for us #goo_chihara_july_002 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/22b7ad9caba9b480c5393c421a8847d2
by numchay on Twitter

Thank you for us

2011-04-06 23:39:59 | Weblog

Thank you for the thoughtfulness to the great earthquake in our country.

Also in the world, a rare earthquake destroyed the large area where it faced the Pacific Ocean by the tsunami.

In addition, it destroy the nuclear plant and is threatening the resident of the outskirts.

It is getting a lot of support services to this earthquake from each country, it is thanking.



2011-04-06 01:36:10 | Weblog
02:45 from web (Re: @masakokawaii
@masakokawaii Your idea comprehended.If the brand of the sake of the disaster area is introduced, it would be being good.
02:50 from web (Re: @NHK_PR
@NHK_PR @nhk_haruchan It became a cherry blossom gloried spring at last.
03:00 from web (Re: @motoh_burger
@motoh_burger I think that you may differ business hours according to the kind of the bank.
03:04 from web (Re: @sophiemiaj
@sophiemiaj I think that it is woman's characteristic.
03:14 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 私の考えで震災者は親戚や親しい友人に依頼して安全な場所へ疎開をするのが最も良いと思います。
06:37 from goo
NHK and audience connecting by blog #goo_chihara_july_002 http://goo.gl/dUy0I
06:46 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 @dragon_Rr ブログで結ぶNHKと視聴者 http://bit.ly/ff5AqB
07:10 from web (Re: @yoko
@yoko Where is the place in this photograph?
11:28 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I too am thinking as well as you.
by numchay on Twitter

NHK and audience connecting by blog

2011-04-05 06:22:11 | Weblog







2011-04-04 01:33:55 | Weblog
13:19 from web (Re: @haradamaha
@haradamaha It would be not being at all anxious if it strolls with the dog to do "Enjoy seeing cherry blossom".
13:30 from web (Re: @airhikaru
@airhikaru Being given would be being unpleasant.
13:59 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi "Being able to now" is diffusion of the information concerning the earthquake. #imadekirukoto
14:07 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder I am a wide road.
14:19 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki As for it, it would be being early to retrieve Web.
16:51 from web
@delbius Feelings that are more comfortable than nervous would be being better.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-02 01:35:00 | Weblog
17:33 from web (Re: @toka0351
@toka0351 The content of the April Fools' Day doesn't understand.
17:46 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu ?????? ??????????????
18:24 from web (Re: @Coast4wings
@Coast4wings Is all users share the offered calendar, can it be used?
18:48 from web (Re: @poka2nico2
@poka2nico2 @twinavi The talk and a sentence would be being what should understand better to the other party.
18:53 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius The acceptation doesn't understand well.
19:17 from web (Re: @Asahi_Shakai
@Asahi_Shakai It would be being best to prepare the Geiger counter.
19:25 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi I do not need "Neko" if even with the April Fools' Day.
19:41 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S Of my idea, it would be being best to apply to the relative and to do the evacuation to the place of safety.
20:00 from web (Re: @CHICAUMINO
@CHICAUMINO @spark_tfe It is no "Neko" now but the thunberg's spirea is full-bloomed.
20:05 from web
The earthquake is full-bloomed now in Japan. (April Fools' Day.)
by numchay on Twitter