


2012-04-04 01:33:46 | Weblog
18:58 from web
東京電力管内で発生している停電の情報や、弊社のレーダーで観測した雨量・雷に関する気象情報をご提供 twme.jp/TEPC/009s@igris5

19:02 from web
国や地方自治体の公式 Twitter情報を紹介する『Jガバメント on ツイナビ』には、運用中の公共機関のアカウントが掲載 twme.jp/tnav/01e1 @igris5

19:19 from Tweet Button
これは飲みたくない… on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから The taste would be not being changing.

20:04 from web
I have the unpleasantness to the frequent interruption on Budget Committee of the House of Councilors. @isozaki_yousuke

by numchay on Twitter


2012-04-02 01:32:14 | Weblog
01:29 from Google
@YouTube 動画を高く評価しました youtu.be/i5pbtZRl6FA?a 「第4の革命 - エネルギー・デモクラシー」ダイジェスト版

01:29 from Google
@YouTube 動画をお気に入りに追加しました youtu.be/i5pbtZRl6FA?a 「第4の革命 - エネルギー・デモクラシー」ダイジェスト版

03:00 from gooBlog production
About innovation salon Z 'The fourth revolution' blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_0…

by numchay on Twitter

About innovation salon Z 'The fourth revolution'

2012-04-01 02:58:39 | Weblog


"The fourth revolution" of the documentary movie concerning the energy democracy led Germany to decide to "Breaking with nuclear power generation". It was screened in German whole land in 2010, and did mobilization of an exceptional cace of 130,000 people. Because it was telecasted by the television after 3.11. two million people viewed it, and it came to determine the energy shift to renewable of Germany at a dash.
100% renewable energy shift is possible!
話の内容が理解できると思います。 是非再生して見てください。


2012-04-01 01:32:15 | Weblog
15:48 from Tweet Button
なにこれ意味がわからないけど twinavi.jp/article/pictur… There is a person who cannot talk to the other party. Such a person is often making the pet a friend.

15:52 from web
首都直下地震 文科省想定 揺れ分布図公表 twme.jp/tnav/01dN@igris5

15:59 from web (Re: @nhk_suiensaa
@nhk_suiensaa A strong a wind from yesterday stopped suddenly and changed to a rain.

16:08 from web (Re: @jenreiber
@jenreiber I think that it wants all members who bought a lottery ticket to win.

16:22 from web
The number of contrbutions is few now because of the time of year of company employee and civil servant's personnel changes.

16:27 from web
It becomes the time of year of the flower viewing (cherry blossoms) before too long in my a district.

by numchay on Twitter