Journal of a "Bride" in New York

I write my daily experiences outside Japan.

Baby Goose

2012-05-09 | 日記
It's the season when Canada-geese are born.

There was a Canada-goose that had her babies born in the park.

Take a look at the bottoms of the two baby geese on the photo above !!

Babies are cute even if they are human and animals, aren't they?

By the way, I watched TV program explaining
what caused us to feel that babies or infants were so cute:

when it comes to the positions of eyes, a nose, and a mouth,
the proportion of a baby is horizontally longer
than that of an adult,

which makes us feel warm about babies, and triggers parental instinct.

How deep God's wisdom and thoughts are in His creation !

A Long Spring Season

2012-05-03 | 日記
We still have some chilly days,
and heaters in our apartment automatically turn on.

We are unusually having a long spring season this year.

As I was walking along the street,

I got a call on my cell phone from the lawyer
I couldn't got hold of for several days as he had been awfully busy.

I answered it and thanked him for calling me back,
bowing deeply out of joy.

After I hanged up, I said, “Yeah!” with my fist into the air.

Then I caught the eyes of the two people;

I realized I was outside !

Well, I didn’t care because I was in “Anything Goes” New York after all.