Journal of a "Bride" in New York

I write my daily experiences outside Japan.

Nagasaki Martydom Commemorative Service

2013-02-17 | 日記
Twenty-six Christians were martyred at Nishizaka-no-oka(hill) in Nagasaki
for the first time in Japan.

On Feb. 5, the day of their martyred, our church group had the commemorative service
in the park of Nishizaka-no-oka where 26 saints monument are erected.

I also participated in that service on the Internet broadcast live in NY eastern time!

I am so grateful that I was able to share this grace even though I was far away from it.

This is an introductory video of the time when those 26 Christians were living and
then was killed because of their faith. (in Jpanese only)


2013-02-16 | 日記
My husband has been living in the U.S. nearly 30 years;

I often find his usage of Japanese wrong, and correct him.

So he has suggested to me that we communicate in English instead.

Once he started speaking English, I was so impressed

how long he can speak in his “broken" English.

I broke up laughing.

I was also impressed to know he had survived with that English.

He is still corrected in speaking English, but I can’t speak it endlessly like him.

(A child was walking on the iced pond.)