Journal of a "Bride" in New York

I write my daily experiences outside Japan.

The Birth of the US

2016-04-29 | 日記
I have learned that
Apritl 29th is the birthday of the U.S.A.

On April 29, 1607, three ships which sailed from England
arrived at Cape Henry in State of Virginia. 

Before the Pilgrim Fathers in the Mayflower arrived at the U.S. in 1620,
those first English settlers put up a wooden cross and prayed for thsi country.

Today my husband and I have visited the ear doctor.

We asked him if he would like to have a short time of praise and Bible message.

He answered and said that it would be all right when he had physical strength.

When we told him it would be as short as 15 minutes, he willingly agreed to our proposal.

I give thanks to the Lord ! May He bless the doctor and strength his faith in the bible time.

Backpacker's visit

2016-04-02 | 日記
A college student H-kun, a backpacker has stayed at our apartment for three nights !

He has entered New York via Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy,
Spain, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chili, Bolivia, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, etc.

After the U.S. he will return Japan, finishing the six-month trip.

Amazingly, he has prayed a prayer to believe Jesus and accept Him as His Savior !

Praise the Lord !!!

He has attended the morning service and the afternoon service held at Manhattan as well !

After the service, we showed him around down town Manhattan.

(World Trade Center)

The following day, in a drizzling rain,
we drove him to the park in New Jersey where the back of the Statue of Liberty could be seen.

Finally it is the day of returning Japan.

Take a look at his outfit !

He is returning Japan via Moscow - literally it's the round-the world trip !

We pray that he will attend church back in Japan.