
This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Mar. 31st__Obsession

2024-03-31 21:00:58 | Weight Training

I train twice a week to build greater pectoral muscle.

I am obsessed with the idea that I have to keep greater

pectoral muscles being big.


Mar. 30th __AVIREX Hopping

2024-03-30 20:52:29 | Learning English

After joining an English circle, I went from the shop AVIREX

in Kisarazu to another one in Funabashi, because I love AVIREX!


Mar. 29th__Drinking on Every Fridays

2024-03-29 20:37:14 | Daily Life

I really enjoy drinking alone while walking after work on every Fridays.


Mar. 24th__Increase in Weight

2024-03-24 21:01:38 | Weight Training

I gained weight about 700 grams.

I've gotten fat around my waist.



Mar. 23rd__Intermediate-Advanced Table

2024-03-24 06:34:56 | Learning English

I joined intermediate-advanced table this time.

The participants on the table were higher level

than I expected, so I was really exhausted to listen

their English. After the circle, I went to a Indian

food restautrant with them. 
