
This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Dec. 31st__Last Workout of The Year

2023-12-31 20:08:31 | Weight Training

As the gym has been closed during winter holiday,

I did weight training at home. 

I'd like to be more self confident next year.


Today's Workout Menu at home
+Dips (Triceps brachii muscle) +35kg weight  14repx4set
+Dumbbell press (Pectral muscle)  70kg(35kgx2)  16repx4set

+Chinning(Lats) 10repx3et


Dec 30th__Penguin Readers Freddie Mercury

2023-12-30 23:39:00 | Learning English

I happened to find this book at the book store "Yuurindou" in Totsuka today. 
This is classified in level 5 of a series of Pengion Readers, consists of relatively easy English.
And above all, I love his life and I know about him to a certain extent, so it's easy to read it.
After I browsed it for the moment there, I bought it eventually.




Dec. 30th__Drinking Party with My Old Friends

2023-12-30 23:19:17 | Friend

As I am in 7days winter holiday, I went to my parents place and visited

the shrine "Higiri JIzou" near my my parents house in the 1st day.

After that, I started drinking from evening at four at pizza restaurant

"Esola" in Totsuka with my old friends.  I spent very happy hours!



Dec. 27th__Dumbbell Press 70kg !

2023-12-27 21:16:59 | Weight Training

At last I could do dumbbell press with 70kg weights.

I weigh 61kilograms so it almost brought my body away

when I tried to lay.

Today's Workout Menu at home
+Dips (Triceps brachii muscle) +35kg weight  14repx4set
+Dumbbell press (Pectral muscle)  70kg(35kgx2)  14repx4set


Dec. 25th__Today Is Only Monday

2023-12-25 21:39:25 | Running

I had a Xmas party with my family at home yesterday.

So today is only Monday for me. 

Then all I have to do is running!

