The Show Must Go On !

This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Aug. 12th__30th Anniversary

2024-08-12 23:59:52 | Friend


We have been friends for 30 years since junior high school.

We meet to drink and have a match every long holiday.

This time, we played bowling and bet juice on our score. 






Apr. 27th__Drink party with My precious in Tsuchiura

2024-04-27 23:38:52 | Friend

I had a drink party with my ex-coworkers for the first time since 2016.

This was the fifth drink party after I quit the previous company.

30 years have passed since I met them for the first time when I was 23 years old.

We are getting old , but our friendship is getting deeper from time to time.


Dec. 30th__Drinking Party with My Old Friends

2023-12-30 23:19:17 | Friend

As I am in 7days winter holiday, I went to my parents place and visited

the shrine "Higiri JIzou" near my my parents house in the 1st day.

After that, I started drinking from evening at four at pizza restaurant

"Esola" in Totsuka with my old friends.  I spent very happy hours!



Nov. 4th__2nd Day of 3 Day Holidays -Meat-

2023-11-05 07:33:47 | Friend

I met one of my best friends, Yossy after a long time since this past May.

We went to a steak restaurant "MONSTER GRILL"  in a mall in Matsudo.

In fact I knew the restaurant by visiting some webblog before and

I've wanted to go there someday. Fortunately we love eating steak so

he agreeded with a quick answer. It was really thick meat called "Gold Steak"

and tasted delitious! 

After that we went to a Karaoke shop in Inage and sang for 4 hours.

I have sore throat this morning..


Oct. 8th Drinking with My Best Friend 

2023-10-08 22:01:34 | Friend


I drank with one of my best friend at Ofuna st on the way from my parents place.

'Teke Teke' was a Yakitori restaurant which was affordable and tasty !

We just drank in the last Aug with, but I contacted him because I wanted to talk

about a nursing of our elderly parents.


[Saturday's Harvest]



Everything is piling up on me

my youngerself

cheat on her






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