

The Big Four 61

2023-03-18 20:27:28 | Big Four

"But no! I appeal to your imagination, and you can suggest nothing more subtle than bombs in the fireplace. Well, well, I have need of some matches, I will promenade myself despite the weather. Pardon, my friend, but is it possible that you read The Future of the ArgentineMirror of SocietyCattle BreedingThe Clue of Crimson and Sport in the Rockies at one and the same time?"

「違うよ! 想像力を働かせたまえ。そうすれば暖炉の中の爆弾よりもとらえ難いものを思いつくよ。マッチが欲しいんだ。こんな天気だが歩いてくるよ。失礼だがね、きみ、アルゼンチンの未来とミラー・オブ・ソサエティと牛の繁殖とクルー・オブ・クリムゾンとロッキー山脈でのスポーツを同時に読めるのかね?」

I laughed, and admitted that The Clue of Crimson was at present engaging my sole attention. Poirot shook his head sadly.


"But replace then the others on the bookshelf! Never, never shall I see you embrace the order and the method. Mon Dieu, what then is a bookshelf for?"

「本棚にちゃんと並べたまえ! 君が秩序と筋道を取り入れるのを見る日は永遠にこないだろうね。何と言うことか。本棚は何のためにあるのかね?」

I apologised humbly, and Poirot, after replacing the offending volumes, each in its appointed place, went out and left me to uninterrupted enjoyment of my selected book.


I must admit, however, that I was half asleep when Mrs. Pearson's knock at the door aroused me.

"A telegram for you, captain."



I tore the orange envelope open without much interest.

Then I sat as though turned to stone.

It was a cable from Bronsen, my manager out at the South American ranch, and it ran as follows:—




"Mrs. Hastings disappeared yesterday, feared been kidnapped by some gang calling itself big four cable instructions have notified police but no clue as yet."




I waved Mrs. Pearson out of the room, and sat as though stunned, reading the words over and over again. Cinderella—kidnapped! In the hands of the infamous Big Four! God, what could I do?

私はピアソン夫人に手を振って出ていってもらい、呆然としながら文字を何度も繰り返し読んでいた。シンデレラが・・誘拐された!  悪名高きビッグ4の手に落ちた! ああ、どうしたらいいんだ?

Poirot! I must have Poirot. He would advise me. He would checkmate them somehow. In a few minutes now, he would be back. I must wait patiently until then. But Cinderella—in the hands of the Big Four!

ポアロ! ポアロがいないと。彼が助言をくれるだろう。彼が追い詰めてくれるだろう。あと数分で戻ってくるだろう。それまで待たなければ。でもシンデレラ・・ビッグ4に捕らえられた!

Another knock. Mrs. Pearson put her head in once more.

"A note for you, captain—brought by a heathen Chinaman. He's a-waiting downstairs."

I seized it from her. It was brief and to the point.




"If you ever wish to see your wife again, go with the bearer of this note immediately. Leave no message for your friend or she will suffer."

It was signed with a big 4.



What ought I to have done? What would you who read have done in my place?

I had no time to think. I saw only one thing—Cinderella in the power of those devils. I must obey—I dare not risk a hair of her head. I must go with this Chinaman and follow whither he led. It was a trap, yes, and it meant certain capture and possible death, but it was baited with the person dearest to me in the whole world, and I dared not hesitate.

どうしたらいいんだ? もしこんなものを読んだら、どうする?




デヴィット・スーシェに寄ってってしまう・・と呑気に思いながら書いてましたが、話の展開で早く次へと焦ってしまう今。どうなるんだろう? ポアロが全てお見通しな感じで現れるのかな。



