Pippo listened to Kobayashi on his hand looking at him intently then it seemed like it understood the order, flapped its wings bravely. It made a few circle around the room and flew away from the window.
「ああ、よかった。十分もすれば、ピッポちゃんは、明智先生のおばさんのところへとんでいくだろう。おばさんはぼくの手紙を読んで、さぞびっくりなさるだろうなあ。でも、すぐに警視庁へ電話をかけてくださるにちがいない。それから警官がここへかけつけるまで、三十分かな? 四十分かな? なんにしても、今から一時間のうちには、賊がつかまるんだ。そしてぼくは、この穴ぐらから出ることができるんだ。」
"Good, withing ten minutes Pippo will arrive at Master Akechi's residence and go to the madam. She will be so surprised. Still she will call the Police dapartment. Does it take 30 minutes for the police to reach here? Or 49 minutes? Anyway the thief will be caught in next one hour and I'll be able to get out of here."
Kobayashi was imagining like that watching the sky Pippo went off. He was absorbed in this idea so he didn't notice the basement's lid was open.
"Kobayashi, what are you doing there?"
The familiar voice of Twenty Faces hit him like a lightning.
Startled, he looked up to see the thief's white-haired upside-down face still in disguise of old man from the square space.
Oh, did he see Pippo fly away, didn't he.
Kobayashi lost color and stared at the thief.