

The Big Four 10

2023-03-04 20:47:33 | Big Four


3. リー・チャン・イェンに関する更なる情報

For a day or two after our visit from the fake Asylum attendant I was in some hopes that he might return, and I refused to leave the flat even for a moment. As far as I could see, he had no reason to suspect that we had penetrated his disguise. He might, I thought, return and try to remove the body, but Poirot scoffed at my reasoning.


"Mon ami," he said, "if you wish you may wait in to put salt on the little bird's tail, but for me I do not waste my time so."


"Well then, Poirot," I argued, "why did he run the risk of coming at all. If he intended to return later for the body, I can see some point in his visit. He would at least be removing the evidence against himself; as it is, he does not seem to have gained anything."


Poirot shrugged his most Gallic shrug. "But you do not see with the eyes of Number Four, Hastings," he said. "You talk of evidence, but what evidence have we against him? True, we have a body, but we have no proof even that the man was murdered—prussic acid, when inhaled, leaves no trace. Again, we can find no one who saw any one enter the flat during our absence, and we have found out nothing about the movements of our late friend, Mayerling....

ポアロはいやにフランス人らしく肩をすくめて言った。「だが君はNo.4の立場から物事を見ていないね、ヘイスティングス。証拠というけれど、我々がどんな証拠を持っている? 確かに死体はあるが、他殺だという証拠はないよ。青酸を吸い込んでも痕跡は残らない。それに、私たちの留守中に部屋に入った者を見た人もいなければ、死んだ者が何をしていたのかもわかっていない。メイリング....。

"No, Hastings, Number Four has left no trace, and he knows it. His visit we may call a reconnaissance. Perhaps he wanted to make quite sure that Mayerling was dead, but more likely, I think, he came to see Hercule Poirot, and to have speech with the adversary whom alone he must fear."


Poirot's reasoning appeared to me typically egotistical, but I forbore to argue.


"And what about the inquest?" I asked. "I suppose you will explain things clearly there, and let the police have a full description of Number Four."


"And to what end? Can we produce anything to impress a coroner's jury of your solid Britishers? Is our description of Number Four of any value? No; we shall allow them to call it 'Accidental Death,' and may be, although I have not much hope, our clever murderer will pat himself on the back that he deceived Hercule Poirot in the first round."

「何のために? 生粋の英国人である検死審査官を感心させるような何かがあるかね? 我々が見たNo.4を伝えて何かの役に立つかね? 私たちは結局彼らが「偶発的死亡」と結論づけるのを止められないよ。そして、私はそうならないことを望むが、頭のいいこの殺人者は、第一戦でエルキュール・ポアロを騙したと自画自賛することになるだろう。」

Poirot was right as usual. We saw no more of the man from the asylum, and the inquest, at which I gave evidence, but which Poirot did not even attend, aroused no public interest.


As, in view of his intended trip to South America, Poirot had wound up his affairs before my arrival, he had at this time no cases on hand, but although he spent most of his time in the flat I could get little out of him. He remained buried in an arm-chair, and discouraged my attempts at conversation.


And then one morning, about a week after the murder, he asked me if I would care to accompany him on a visit he wished to make. I was pleased, for I felt he was making a mistake in trying to work things out so entirely on his own, and I wished to discuss the case with him. But I found he was not communicative. Even when I asked where we were going, he would not answer.


Poirot loves being mysterious. He will never part with a piece of information until the last possible moment. In this instance, having taken successively a 'bus and two trains, and arrived in the neighbourhood of one of London's most depressing southern suburbs, he consented at last to explain matters.


"We go, Hastings, to see the one man in England who knows most of the underground life of China."

"Indeed! Who is he?"


「なるほど! 誰なんだい?」




