When I look back, I wonder why my training carried the value it did and was as durable as it was. A song is only on the charts for a few weeks, and here I am saying the same thing for almost 20 years.
After doing all the studies on selling and writing on the subject, I came up with ten steps to selling. Each step is an activity or series of activities. We have all heard the expression, “We are goal oriented, not activity oriented.” Well, I can’t disagree with that statement, but it is not compete. It ignores the activities required to achieve the goal you want to achieve. I believe once the goal is set, all the attention should be on the activities required to achieve the goal. 90% of one’s attention should be on the activities required to achieve the goal, not the goal itself. The goal should be set initially and occasionally evaluated to confirm its value. Other than that, all the attention should be on the activities as I see it. If highly successful activities have been developed, evaluated and proven, one should use them as much as possible. An example is Toyota’s production system. The production lines are set up so the production worker does not have to think. They just follow very precisely determined activities. Well, I developed selling activities with that same belief in mind.
Too often I hear sales managers pressuring sales people about making their sales target and to make their assigned quotas. They talk about the competition. They talk about inflation and pricing concerns. They talk about new technology challenging the current product range. They talk about the strength and/or weakness in the economy. They talk about supplies and importing problems. Discussions on these subjects can go on for hours to no conclusion. For a retail sales person, all of these factors are totally out of his control, and he walks out of the room with a sales goal but feels completely helpless.
So, I tried to write a sales training seminar on activities that will be most helpful to produce the sales goals set. I wanted to write activities, I as a sales manager could order someone to do. I cannot order someone to sell because of the factors above, which are out of a salesman’s control. Each of my 11 steps is within the person’s control.

When I look back, I wonder why my training carried the value it did and was as durable as it was. A song is only on the charts for a few weeks, and here I am saying the same thing for almost 20 years.
After doing all the studies on selling and writing on the subject, I came up with ten steps to selling. Each step is an activity or series of activities. We have all heard the expression, “We are goal oriented, not activity oriented.” Well, I can’t disagree with that statement, but it is not compete. It ignores the activities required to achieve the goal you want to achieve. I believe once the goal is set, all the attention should be on the activities required to achieve the goal. 90% of one’s attention should be on the activities required to achieve the goal, not the goal itself. The goal should be set initially and occasionally evaluated to confirm its value. Other than that, all the attention should be on the activities as I see it. If highly successful activities have been developed, evaluated and proven, one should use them as much as possible. An example is Toyota’s production system. The production lines are set up so the production worker does not have to think. They just follow very precisely determined activities. Well, I developed selling activities with that same belief in mind.
Too often I hear sales managers pressuring sales people about making their sales target and to make their assigned quotas. They talk about the competition. They talk about inflation and pricing concerns. They talk about new technology challenging the current product range. They talk about the strength and/or weakness in the economy. They talk about supplies and importing problems. Discussions on these subjects can go on for hours to no conclusion. For a retail sales person, all of these factors are totally out of his control, and he walks out of the room with a sales goal but feels completely helpless.
So, I tried to write a sales training seminar on activities that will be most helpful to produce the sales goals set. I wanted to write activities, I as a sales manager could order someone to do. I cannot order someone to sell because of the factors above, which are out of a salesman’s control. Each of my 11 steps is within the person’s control.
