

寒い3連休;二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (Adulomya-Agriodesma)

2018-02-12 11:14:22 | 日記





二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (Adulomya-Agriodesma)

Adulomya (f.) Kuroda in Homma, 1931, Shinano-Chubu Chishitsu-shi (Geology of the Central Nagano Prefecture, Japan), (4): 27, type species (OD) Adulomya uchimuraensis Kuroda in Homma, 1931, (4): 27-28, pl. 13, figs. 111-114, Miocebe Uchimura Formation, Nagano Pref., Japan; Vesicomyidae. Adula H. & A. Adams, 1857, 2: 517; L. mya from Gr. myax, a mussel. マユイガイ属二枚貝;オトヒメハマグリ科シナノマユイガイ属

Aelga (f.) Slodkewitsch, 1935, Ann. Soc. paleont. Russie, 10: 55, type species (OD) Tellina besshoensis Yokoyama, 1924, Miocene, Kamchatka [fide Keen, 1969c: N849; Vokes, 1980: 209; Periplomatidae. It may possibly an anagram of Aegla [Gr. Aegla, h, name of one of the Naiads,Gr.aegleis[aegleeis], beautiful (Poirier, 1952: 51). 水の妖精(Aegla)の綴替か;リュウグウハゴロモガイ科

Aenigma (n.) Koch, 1846, 7(1): 61-62 [non E. Newman, 1836, 3(5): 499, Coleoptera], type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871, 3: 477) Anomia aenigmatica Holten, 1802: 29, ref. Chemnitz, 1795, 11: 211-212, pl. 199, figs. 1949-1950; Anomiidae. Gr. aenigma, atos,to, a dark saying, riddle (Liddell & Scott, 1953), L. aenigma, atis, n., a riddle, enigma (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1983). [Junior homonym of Aenigma Newman, 1836, see Enigmonia Iredale, 1918, 13: 28, 31オカナミマガシワガイ属] 謎、風刺;ナミマガシワガイ科オカナミマガシワガイ属

aenigmaticus L.L., adj. A, enigmatic (Guralnik, 1984). 謎めいた Example: Enigmonia aenigmatica Holten, 1802: 29, cit. Chemnitz, 1795, 11, pl. 199, f. 1949-1950 (fide Winckworth, 1945, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., 25: 146-145, pl. 5; Richardson et al., 1979, Tryonia, (2/2): 407) オカナミマガシワ

Aenigmotellina (f.) Matsukuma, 1989, (22): 111-112, type species (OD) Kermadysmea nishimurai Habe, 1976, 35(2): 39-40, 42, pl. 1, fig. 12; Tellinidae. aenigma, L. atis, n. 謎、風刺; Tellina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 674. 謎のニッコウガイ類;ニッコウガイ科スダレザクラガイ属

aequilatera aequus, L. adj. A, equal; L. latus, lateris, n., the side (Lewis, 1915). 等側(二枚貝で、殻頂を挟み前後の形が等しいこと) Example: Donax aequilatera Sowerby, 1825: 12, ref. Venus donacina etc. Chemnitz, 1795, 11: 231, pl. 202, figs. 1985 & 1986? [err. pro 1983 & 1984].

Aequipecten (m.) Fischer, 1886, (10): 944, type species (M) Ostrea opercularis Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 698; Pectinidae. L. aequus, adj. A, level, equal, like (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1983), equilateral; Pecten Müller, 1776. 等しい、貝殻が前後対称形ヨーロッパホタテガイ属*;ヨーロッパホタテガイ科* *波部(1977)はPectenをイタヤガイ属と呼んだが、Pecten (Pecten), Pecten (Notovola)をそれぞれヨーロッパホタテガイ亜属、イタヤガイ亜属と呼び、混乱している。Pectenをヨーロッパホタテガイ属、Notovolaをイタヤガイ(亜)属とすることを提唱する。

aequistriatus aequus, L. adj. A, equal; striatus, L. adj. A, striate, marked with the striae (Stearn, 1983). 等しい条の付いた Example: Petricolirus aequistriatus (G. B. Sowerby II, 1874, 19: Petricola pl. 3, fig. 19) シオツガイ.

aequivoca aequus, L. adj. A, equal; vocus, having meaning. 等しい意味(意義)を持つ Example: Circe aequivoca G. B. Sowerby II, 1851, 2: 650, pl. 137, figs. 12-15, Red Sea.

Aeretica (f.) Dall, 1900, 3(5): 1038, type species (OD) Tellina senegalensis Hanley, 1844, pt. 12, for 1844: 68, non Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6), p. 3244, ref. “Tosar” Adanson, 1757: 229-230, pl. 17, fig. 14 [= Strigilla polyaulax Tomlin & Shackleford, 1915, 14(9): 276]; Tellinidae. Gr. aeretikos[aereticus], on, (1) able to choose, (2) heretical (Liddell & Scott, 1953) (1) 選ぶことができる(もの)、 (2) 異端(者)の、正統でない;ニッコウガイ科オガタザクラガイ属

affinis  L., -is, m., blood relations and connections by marriage (Marchant & Charles, 1952) 血縁、婚姻による繋がり. Example: Pretostrea affinis (G. B. Sowerby II, 1871, 18: Ostraea pl. 29, sp. 75, Diego Garcia, near the Mauritius). コガネガキ

Afrocardium (n.) Tomlin, 1931, Annals of the Natal Museum, 6(3): 449 (fide Vokes, 1980: 127), type species (OD) Fragum (Afrocardium) shepstonense Tomlin, 1931, ibid., 6(3): ?; Cardiidae. L. afer, adj. A, African (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1983); Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. アフリカのワダチザルガイ属;ザルガイ科ベニバトガイ属
Agriodesma (n.) Dall, 1909, 37(1704): 284 [new name pro Entodesma (saxicola Baird) Carpenter, 1864: 638, non Philippi, 1845, 11: 52-53], type species (M) Lyonsia saxicola Baird, 1863, for 1863: 70, Vancouver Island; Lyonsiidae. Gr. agrius, a, on, living in the fields, wild, savage (Liddell & Scott, 1953) Gr.desma, atos,to, a ligament, bond, fetter (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 野性の[未開の、野蛮人の];靱帯[帯、足枷];サザナミガイ科オビクイガイ属