

ドライブー祐徳稲荷神社;二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (alcocki-amamiensis)

2018-02-14 18:57:35 | 日記
ドライブ - 祐徳稲荷神社











二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (alcocki-amamiensis)

alcocki Dedicated to Mr. Alcock. Example: Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) alcocki E. A. Smith, 1894, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, [6], 14: 170-171, pl. 5, fig. 8, Bay of Bengal; E. A. Smith, 1897, Illustrations of the Zoology of the … Investigator, [2], (10): pl. 3, fig. 6.

Alectryonia (f.) Fischer de Waldeheim, 1807, Museum Demidoff, 3: 269, type species (SD Gray, 1847: 201) Alectryonia rara Fischer de Waldeheim, 1807 トサカガキ [= Mytilus cristatgalli Linnaeus, 1758], Recent, Indian Ocean; Ostreidae. Gr. alectryon, onos, o, coch, or h, hen (Liddell & Scott, 1953) オンドリまたはメンドリ; Gr. -ia, suff., denoting pertaining to (Brown, 1956)「に関連した」.  Subjective junior synonym of Lopha Röding, 1798トサカガキ属の新参主観シノニム;イタボガキ科トサカガキ属

alli Dedicated to Mr. All. Example: Cryptopecten alli Dall et al., 1938.

Allogramma (n.) Dall, 1903, Transactions of Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia, 3(6): 1514, type species (OD) Lyonsia formosa Jeffreys, 1881, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1881: 930, pl. 70, f. 1, Recent, off Gomera, Canaries; Gulf of Mexico; Bay of Biscay; Palermo, 120 m; Lyonsiidae. Gr.allos,h,o, another, other (Liddell & Scott, 1953) 異なった; Gr. gramma, atos,to, that which is drawn or written, letter (Liddell & Scott, 1953) 書かれたもの、文字.  サザナミガイ科リュウグウオビクイガイ属

Aloidis (m.?) Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1811, Magazin der Gesellschaft naturforschenden Freunde zu Berlin, 5(1): 67, type species (M) Aloidis guineensis Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1811, Recent, Guinea; Corbulidae. (1) Derivation unknown (Herrmannsen, 1846: 30) 語源不詳, (2) Gr.Aloeidai, nom. myth. (Agasssiz, 1842-46: 4) 神話の人物名.  Subjective junior synonym of Corbula BRUGUIÈRE, 1797 シコロクチベニガイ属の新参主観シノニム;クチベニガイ科シコロクチベニガイ属

alternatus L. adj. A, from past part. of alternare, to do by turns (Guralnik, 1984) 順番にする、代わる代わるの. Example: Tellina alternata chibana Yokoyama, 1922; Trachycardium (Vasticardium) alternatum (Sowerby, 1841, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 8(92): 108-109, Ticao, Philippines) (fide Sherborn, 19xx: 234) アサザルガイ.

alternidentatus L. alternus, adj. A, one after the other, in terns順番にする、代わる代わるの; dentatus, adj. A, provided with teeth, toothed (Marchant & Charles, 1952) 歯の生えた. Example: Tellina alternidentata Broderip & Sowerby, 1829, Zoological Journal, vol. 4(15): 363, Arctic Ocean.

altus L. adj. A, high (Marchant & Charles, 1952) 高い. Example: Solen altus Broderip & G. B. Sowerby, 1829, Zoological Journal, vol. 4(15): 362.

Alucinoma (n.) Habe, 1958, Japanese Journal of Malacology, 19(3/4): 178, 181-182, type species (M) Alucinoma soyoae Habe, 1958, Recent, Japan キヌハダツキガイモドキ; Lucinidae. a-, away 「に近いが異なる(もの)」; Lucinoma Dall, 1901 ツキガイモドキ属.  ツキガイ科キヌハダツキガイモドキ属

alveatus L. adj. A, hollowed like a trough (Marchant & Charles, 1952) 飼葉桶や雨樋のようにくり抜いて作られた. Example: Semele alveata Gould, 1861, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 8: 27, Ryukyu Islands (fide Johnson, 1964: 39).

Alveinus (m.) Conrad, 1865, American Journal of Conchology, 1: 138, type species (M) Alveinus minutus Conrad, 1865, 1: 138, pl. 10, f. 2; Arcticidae. L. alveus, -i, m., a hollow, an excavation (Marchant & Charles, 1952) へこみ、窪み; -inus (a, um), L., adj. suff., belonging to, like 「の持つ、に似た」. 模式種の腹縁内側には微小な溝(microscopic channel)があるという. Alvenius (Habe, 1977: 233)は、Alveinusの誤綴.  Conrad, 1865はA. minutaとして、女性名詞の扱い;アイスランドガイ科ケシトリガイ属

alvus L. alvus, i, f., the belly, the paunch, the bowels, the womb 腹部、太鼓腹、腸、子宮. 
amabilis L. adj. B, lovable, charming (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1983), lovely (Reeve, 1853). 可愛い、魅力的な. Example: Paphia amabilis (Philippi, 1847, Zeitschrift fuer Malakozooligie, 1847: 90-91)サツマアカガイ.

amakusaensis  J., of Amakusa Island, western Japan天草の. Example: Limaria (Limatulella) amakusaensis (Habe, 1960) アマクサユキミノガイ.

amamiensis J., of Amami-Oshima Island, southwestern Japan奄美大島の. Example: Monterosatus amamiensis Sakurai & Habe, 1973コハゼガイ; Tucetilla amamiensis (Kuroda, 1929) ヤスリメタマキガイ.