二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (Agriopoma-albus)
Agriopoma (n.) Dall, 1902a, 24(1261): 509, type species (M) Cytherea texasiana Dall, 1892, 5(12): 134-135; Veneridae. Gr. agrius, a, on, living in the fields, wild, savage (Liddell & Scott, 1953); (1)Gr. poma, atos, to, a lid, cover (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (2) Gr.poma, atos,to,a drink, a draught, potion (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (3)Gr.poma,atos, to, a drink, a draught (Liddell & Scott, 1953) 野性の[未開の、野蛮人の]蓋、覆い、一飲み、一吸い、一杯、;マルスダレガイ科)
agripeta L., -ae, m., (1) a land grabber, (2) settler or squatter (Marchant & Charles) (1)土地強奪者、(2)開拓移民、または公有地や非占有地に居ついた人. Example: Modiolus agripeta Iredale,1939, 5(6), Moll., (1): 412-413, pl. 6, fig. 21.
aikawai M.L., dedicated to Japanese fisheries researcher Hiroaki Aikawa worked at the Fisheries Agency, Japan 水産学者相川広秋への献名. Example: Nuculana (Thestyleda) aikawai Habe, 1958c, 6(3): 246, pl. 11, fig. 3.
aizoi M.L., dedicated to Japanese malacologist Aizo Yamamoto (1931-1994; for his works and taxa, see Anonymous, 1995, Kyushu-no-kai, no. 43: 1-7) 山本愛三への献名、業績とタクサは九州の貝、43号、1-7頁参照. Example: Barbatia (Ustularca) aizoi Sakurai, 1969, 28(3): 131, 133, text-fig. 1, Goto Islands, northwest Kyushu and Kochi Pref., Japan.
akazara Japanese vernacular name of Chlamys farreri akazara Kuroda, 1932, 3(2): app. 92, fig. 105, J. akazara, a red dish, or plate. 和名アカザラガイ(赤皿貝)から.
Akebiconcha (f.) Kuroda, 1943, 13(1): 14-18, type species (OD) Akebiconcha kawamurai Kuroda, 1943, 13(1): 14-18, Recent, Sagami Bay, Japan; Vesicomyidae. akebi, a Japanese tree name (Akebia); concha, L., ae, f., Gr. concha, a bivalve, shell-fish (Lewis, 1915). アケビ(木通 Akebia)の形をした二枚貝(Kuroda, 1943, 13(1): 14; 山田, 1975);オトヒメハマグリ科アケビガイ属
akkeshiensis J., of or partaining to Akkeshi (Bay) that lies southeast Hokkaido, Japan. 厚岸の
alapapilionis L. ala, -ae, f., a wing (Lewis, 1915); L. papilio, -onis, m., butterfly (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 蝶の翅 Example: Paphia alapapilionis [Röding,1798], (2): 175.
alaskanus Adj. A, Alaskan [Alaska, Esk. Alakshak (Guralnik, 1984)] アラスカの. アラスカはエスキモー語で、北米北西部の土地の名前. Example: Macoma alaskana Dall, 1900b, 23(1210): 309, 323-324, pl. 3, fig. 5. ホクヨウシラトリ
alaskensis Of or partaining to Alaska, Esk. Alakshak (Guralnik, 1984); -ensis, ense, L. suff. denoting place, locality, country (Brown, 1956) 地名について形容詞を作る接尾語. Alaskan アラスカの. Example: Pecten (Pseudamussium?) alaskensis Dall, 1871, 7(2): 155-156, pl. 16, fig. 4.
alberdinae Dedicated to Ms Alberdin. Example: Waisiuconcha alberdinae Beets, 1942, Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, 13(1): 316-317, pl. 30, f. 147-151.
albibarbatus albus, L. adj. A, white (Lewis, 1915); barbatus, L. adj. A, bearded (Lewis, 1915). 白い髭のある. Example: Spondylus albibarbatus Reeve, 1856, 9: Spondylus sp. 32, pl. 9, sp. 32 コシロトゲウミギク.
albicans L., pres. part. of albicare, to be white (Neilson, 1961) 白い. Example: Ostrea albicans Schröter, 1802, 3(1): 136-137 (Pecten) イタヤガイ; Tellina albicans Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3238.
albidus L. adj. A, whitish (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 白い Example: Pecten (Chlamys) hastatus albidus Dall in R. Arnold, 1906, 47: 136, pl. 52, f. 2, 2a; Vitracar albida Sakurai & Habe, 1966, 24(4): 293, 295 ユキエガイ; Solen albidus Aadams & Reeve, 1850, (3): 84, pl. 23, fig. 15, Korean Archipelago ユキノアシタガイ.
albinus L., -i, m., = albarius, one who covers walles with stucco or plaster, a plasterer (Lewis & Short, 1984). スタッコや石膏で壁を塗る人、左官 Example: Pinctada albina (Lamarck, 1819, 6(1): 152, Australia, as Meleagrina albina) モスソアコヤガイ.
albolineatus L. comp. adj. A, of a white line, from L. albus, adj. A, white (Lewis, 1915) and L. lineatus, past part. of lineare, marked with lines or stripes (Neilson, 1961) 白い線で痕を付けられた、白い線を持った. Example: Glycymeris albolineata (Lischke, 1872, Malakozoologische Blätter, 19: 109, as Pectunculus a.) ベンケイガイ(殻表に放射状の白線を有する).
albus L. adj. A, white (Lewis, 1915) 白い Example: Malleus albus Lamarck, 1819, 6(1): 144, eastern Australia. シュモクガイ.
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (Agriopoma-albus)
Agriopoma (n.) Dall, 1902a, 24(1261): 509, type species (M) Cytherea texasiana Dall, 1892, 5(12): 134-135; Veneridae. Gr. agrius, a, on, living in the fields, wild, savage (Liddell & Scott, 1953); (1)Gr. poma, atos, to, a lid, cover (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (2) Gr.poma, atos,to,a drink, a draught, potion (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (3)Gr.poma,atos, to, a drink, a draught (Liddell & Scott, 1953) 野性の[未開の、野蛮人の]蓋、覆い、一飲み、一吸い、一杯、;マルスダレガイ科)
agripeta L., -ae, m., (1) a land grabber, (2) settler or squatter (Marchant & Charles) (1)土地強奪者、(2)開拓移民、または公有地や非占有地に居ついた人. Example: Modiolus agripeta Iredale,1939, 5(6), Moll., (1): 412-413, pl. 6, fig. 21.
aikawai M.L., dedicated to Japanese fisheries researcher Hiroaki Aikawa worked at the Fisheries Agency, Japan 水産学者相川広秋への献名. Example: Nuculana (Thestyleda) aikawai Habe, 1958c, 6(3): 246, pl. 11, fig. 3.
aizoi M.L., dedicated to Japanese malacologist Aizo Yamamoto (1931-1994; for his works and taxa, see Anonymous, 1995, Kyushu-no-kai, no. 43: 1-7) 山本愛三への献名、業績とタクサは九州の貝、43号、1-7頁参照. Example: Barbatia (Ustularca) aizoi Sakurai, 1969, 28(3): 131, 133, text-fig. 1, Goto Islands, northwest Kyushu and Kochi Pref., Japan.
akazara Japanese vernacular name of Chlamys farreri akazara Kuroda, 1932, 3(2): app. 92, fig. 105, J. akazara, a red dish, or plate. 和名アカザラガイ(赤皿貝)から.
Akebiconcha (f.) Kuroda, 1943, 13(1): 14-18, type species (OD) Akebiconcha kawamurai Kuroda, 1943, 13(1): 14-18, Recent, Sagami Bay, Japan; Vesicomyidae. akebi, a Japanese tree name (Akebia); concha, L., ae, f., Gr. concha, a bivalve, shell-fish (Lewis, 1915). アケビ(木通 Akebia)の形をした二枚貝(Kuroda, 1943, 13(1): 14; 山田, 1975);オトヒメハマグリ科アケビガイ属
akkeshiensis J., of or partaining to Akkeshi (Bay) that lies southeast Hokkaido, Japan. 厚岸の
alapapilionis L. ala, -ae, f., a wing (Lewis, 1915); L. papilio, -onis, m., butterfly (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 蝶の翅 Example: Paphia alapapilionis [Röding,1798], (2): 175.
alaskanus Adj. A, Alaskan [Alaska, Esk. Alakshak (Guralnik, 1984)] アラスカの. アラスカはエスキモー語で、北米北西部の土地の名前. Example: Macoma alaskana Dall, 1900b, 23(1210): 309, 323-324, pl. 3, fig. 5. ホクヨウシラトリ
alaskensis Of or partaining to Alaska, Esk. Alakshak (Guralnik, 1984); -ensis, ense, L. suff. denoting place, locality, country (Brown, 1956) 地名について形容詞を作る接尾語. Alaskan アラスカの. Example: Pecten (Pseudamussium?) alaskensis Dall, 1871, 7(2): 155-156, pl. 16, fig. 4.
alberdinae Dedicated to Ms Alberdin. Example: Waisiuconcha alberdinae Beets, 1942, Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, 13(1): 316-317, pl. 30, f. 147-151.
albibarbatus albus, L. adj. A, white (Lewis, 1915); barbatus, L. adj. A, bearded (Lewis, 1915). 白い髭のある. Example: Spondylus albibarbatus Reeve, 1856, 9: Spondylus sp. 32, pl. 9, sp. 32 コシロトゲウミギク.
albicans L., pres. part. of albicare, to be white (Neilson, 1961) 白い. Example: Ostrea albicans Schröter, 1802, 3(1): 136-137 (Pecten) イタヤガイ; Tellina albicans Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3238.
albidus L. adj. A, whitish (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 白い Example: Pecten (Chlamys) hastatus albidus Dall in R. Arnold, 1906, 47: 136, pl. 52, f. 2, 2a; Vitracar albida Sakurai & Habe, 1966, 24(4): 293, 295 ユキエガイ; Solen albidus Aadams & Reeve, 1850, (3): 84, pl. 23, fig. 15, Korean Archipelago ユキノアシタガイ.
albinus L., -i, m., = albarius, one who covers walles with stucco or plaster, a plasterer (Lewis & Short, 1984). スタッコや石膏で壁を塗る人、左官 Example: Pinctada albina (Lamarck, 1819, 6(1): 152, Australia, as Meleagrina albina) モスソアコヤガイ.
albolineatus L. comp. adj. A, of a white line, from L. albus, adj. A, white (Lewis, 1915) and L. lineatus, past part. of lineare, marked with lines or stripes (Neilson, 1961) 白い線で痕を付けられた、白い線を持った. Example: Glycymeris albolineata (Lischke, 1872, Malakozoologische Blätter, 19: 109, as Pectunculus a.) ベンケイガイ(殻表に放射状の白線を有する).
albus L. adj. A, white (Lewis, 1915) 白い Example: Malleus albus Lamarck, 1819, 6(1): 144, eastern Australia. シュモクガイ.