Roots of winged bean シカクマメの根茎
III. References 54 (Wu-Zittel)
Wu, Rui-Wen, An, Chang-Ting, Wu, Xiao-Ping, Zhou, Chun-Hua and Ou, Yang-Shan, 2016. Complete maternal mitochondrial genome of freshwater mussel Aculamprotula tientsinensis (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Unioninae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, vol. 27: 4520-4521.
吴小平, 1998. 长江中下游湖泊淡水贝类的研究. 45 pp., 中国科学院水生生物研究所博士論文. [Wu, Xiaoping, 1998. Studies on freshwater Mollusca in mid-lower reaches of Changjiang river. 45 pp., doctoral dissertation, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan. (unpublished; upped online by IHCASW in 2009,]
吴小平・梁彦龄・王洪铸, 1999. 蚌科钩介幼虫比较形态学研究. I. 四个种幼虫的形态. 水生生物学报, 23巻, 2期: 141-145. [Wu, Xiaoping, Liang, Yanling and Wang, Hongzhu, 1999. A comparative study on glochidial morphology of Unionidae (Bivalvia). I. Unio douglasiae, Cuneopsis pisciulus, Acuticosta chinensis and Acuticosta ovata. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, vol. 23(2): 141-145.]
Wu, Xiaoping, Liang, Yanling, Wang, Hongzhu and Ouyang, Shan, 1999. Morphological characters of glochidla of Unionidae and the taxonomic significance. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, vol. 23(suppl.): 139–147. (Dec.)
吴小平・梁彦龄・王洪铸・谢志才・欧阳珊, 2000. 长江中下游湖泊淡水贝类的分布及物种多样性. 湖泊科学, 12巻, 2期: 111-118. [Wu, Xiaoping, Liang, Yanling, Wang, Hongzhu, Xie, Zhicai and Ouyang, Shan, 2000. Distribution and species diversity of freshwater Mollusca of lakes along mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Journal of Lake Sciences, vol. 12(2): 111-118.]
Yabe, Hisakatsu and Hatai, Kotora, 1940. A note on Pecten (Fortipecten, subg. nov.) takahashii Yokoyama and its bearing on the Neogene deposits of Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, ser. 2, Geology, vol. 21, no. 2: 147-160, pl. 34(1)-35(2).
山田晴美, 1975. 園芸植物学名辞典. 360 pp., 農業図書(株), 東京. [Yamada, Harumi, 1975. Scientific names of garden plants. 360 pp., Nogyo-Tosho, Tokyo.
Yamamoto, Gotaro and Habe, Tadashige, 1958. Fauna of shell-bearing mollusks in Mutsu Bay. Lamellibranchia (1). The Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, Tohoku University, vol. 9(1): 1-20, pls. 1-5. 伊都図書館
Yamamoto, Gotaro and Habe, Tadashige, 1959. Fauna of shell-bearing mollusks in Mutsu Bay. Lamellibranchia (2). The Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, Tohoku University, vol. 9(3): 85-122, pls. 6-14. 伊都図書館
Yamamoto, Torao and Habe, Tadashige, 1961. Nipponomontacuta actinariophila gen. et sp. nov., a new commensal bivalve of the sea anemone. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 9(2): 265-266. (20 Dec.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1910. On species of Limopsis found in the Neogene of Koshiba. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 17(205): 1-5, pl. 9. 伊都図書館
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1911. Pectens from the Koshiba Neogene. Journal of the 12Geological Society of Tokyo, vol. 18(208): 1-5, pl. 1. 伊都図書館
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1920. Fossils from the Miura Peninsula and its immediate north. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 39(6): 1-193, pls. 1-20. (22 March)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1922. Fossils from the Upper Musashino of Kazusa and Shimosa. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 44(1): 1-200 + viii (Index and Addenda), pls. 1-17. (7 July)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1923. On some fossil Mollusca from the Neogene of Izumo. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 2, no. 1: 1-9, pls. 1-2. (31 March) 伊都図書館(理系)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1924a. Mollusca from the Coral-Bed of Awa. Journal of the College of Science, Imperil University of Tokyo, vol. 45, art. 1: 1-62, i-iii (index), pls. 1-5. (3 Oct.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1924b. Molluscan remains from the lowest part of the Jo-ban Coal-field. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 45, art. 3: 1-22, pls. 1-5. (30 Dec.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1925. Molluscan remains from the middle part of the Jo-Ban Coal-Field. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 45, art. 7: 1-23, pls. 1-3. (25 June)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1926. Fossil shells from the Atsumi Peninsula, Mikawa. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sec. 2, vol. 1, part 9: 369-375, pl. 43. (24 Dec.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1927a. Mollusca from the Upper Musashino of Tokyo and its suburbs Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sec. 2, vol. 1, part 10: 391-437, pls. 46-50. (30 May)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1927b. Fossil Mollusca from Kaga. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sect. 2, vol. 2, part 4: 165-182, pls. 47-49. (28 July)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1930. Tertiary Mollusca from south Karafto. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sec. 2, vol. 2, part 10: 407-418, pls. 77-80. (25 July)
Zeller, P. C., 1848. Exotische Phyciden. Isis von Oken, Jahrgang 1848, Heft 11: 857-890. (Fundella: 866)
张素萍・张均龙・陈志云・徐凤山, 2016. 黄渤海软体动物图志. 421 pp., 492 figs., 科学出版社, 北京. [Zhang, Suping, Zhang, Junlong, Chen, Zhiyun and Xu, Fengshan, 2016. Mollusks of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. 421 pp., 492 figs., Science Press, Beijin.] (Feb.)
张永辂, 1983. 古生物命名拉丁语. 429 pp., 科学出版社, 北京. [Zhang, Yonglu, 1983. Palaeontological Latin in nomenclature. 429 pp., Science Press, Beijin.]
周春花・欧阳姗・吴小平・黎敏, 2007. 基于16S rRNA和ND1基因序列的中国蚌科丽蚌属的系统发育. 动物学报, vol. 53(6): 1024-1030. [Zhou, Chun-Hua, Ouyang, Shan, Wu, Xiao-Ping and Li, Min, 2007. Phylogeny of the genus Lamprotula (Unionidae) in China based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of 16S rRNA and ND1 genes. Acta Zoologica Sinica, vol. 53(6): 1024-1030.]
Zittel, Karl A., 1864. II. Fossile Mollusken und Echinodermen aus Neu-Seeland. Nebst beiträgen von den Herren Bergrath Franz Ritter v. Hauer und Professor Eduard Suess. In Hochstetter, Ferdinando von, Hörnes, Moritz und Ritter von Hauer, Franz (eds): Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fossilen Flora und Fauna der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, Geologischer Theil, Band 1, Abtheilung 2, Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland: 15-68, pls. 6-15 (available online at
III. References 54 (Wu-Zittel)
Wu, Rui-Wen, An, Chang-Ting, Wu, Xiao-Ping, Zhou, Chun-Hua and Ou, Yang-Shan, 2016. Complete maternal mitochondrial genome of freshwater mussel Aculamprotula tientsinensis (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Unioninae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, vol. 27: 4520-4521.
吴小平, 1998. 长江中下游湖泊淡水贝类的研究. 45 pp., 中国科学院水生生物研究所博士論文. [Wu, Xiaoping, 1998. Studies on freshwater Mollusca in mid-lower reaches of Changjiang river. 45 pp., doctoral dissertation, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan. (unpublished; upped online by IHCASW in 2009,]
吴小平・梁彦龄・王洪铸, 1999. 蚌科钩介幼虫比较形态学研究. I. 四个种幼虫的形态. 水生生物学报, 23巻, 2期: 141-145. [Wu, Xiaoping, Liang, Yanling and Wang, Hongzhu, 1999. A comparative study on glochidial morphology of Unionidae (Bivalvia). I. Unio douglasiae, Cuneopsis pisciulus, Acuticosta chinensis and Acuticosta ovata. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, vol. 23(2): 141-145.]
Wu, Xiaoping, Liang, Yanling, Wang, Hongzhu and Ouyang, Shan, 1999. Morphological characters of glochidla of Unionidae and the taxonomic significance. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, vol. 23(suppl.): 139–147. (Dec.)
吴小平・梁彦龄・王洪铸・谢志才・欧阳珊, 2000. 长江中下游湖泊淡水贝类的分布及物种多样性. 湖泊科学, 12巻, 2期: 111-118. [Wu, Xiaoping, Liang, Yanling, Wang, Hongzhu, Xie, Zhicai and Ouyang, Shan, 2000. Distribution and species diversity of freshwater Mollusca of lakes along mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Journal of Lake Sciences, vol. 12(2): 111-118.]
Yabe, Hisakatsu and Hatai, Kotora, 1940. A note on Pecten (Fortipecten, subg. nov.) takahashii Yokoyama and its bearing on the Neogene deposits of Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, ser. 2, Geology, vol. 21, no. 2: 147-160, pl. 34(1)-35(2).
山田晴美, 1975. 園芸植物学名辞典. 360 pp., 農業図書(株), 東京. [Yamada, Harumi, 1975. Scientific names of garden plants. 360 pp., Nogyo-Tosho, Tokyo.
Yamamoto, Gotaro and Habe, Tadashige, 1958. Fauna of shell-bearing mollusks in Mutsu Bay. Lamellibranchia (1). The Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, Tohoku University, vol. 9(1): 1-20, pls. 1-5. 伊都図書館
Yamamoto, Gotaro and Habe, Tadashige, 1959. Fauna of shell-bearing mollusks in Mutsu Bay. Lamellibranchia (2). The Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, Tohoku University, vol. 9(3): 85-122, pls. 6-14. 伊都図書館
Yamamoto, Torao and Habe, Tadashige, 1961. Nipponomontacuta actinariophila gen. et sp. nov., a new commensal bivalve of the sea anemone. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 9(2): 265-266. (20 Dec.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1910. On species of Limopsis found in the Neogene of Koshiba. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 17(205): 1-5, pl. 9. 伊都図書館
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1911. Pectens from the Koshiba Neogene. Journal of the 12Geological Society of Tokyo, vol. 18(208): 1-5, pl. 1. 伊都図書館
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1920. Fossils from the Miura Peninsula and its immediate north. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 39(6): 1-193, pls. 1-20. (22 March)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1922. Fossils from the Upper Musashino of Kazusa and Shimosa. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 44(1): 1-200 + viii (Index and Addenda), pls. 1-17. (7 July)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1923. On some fossil Mollusca from the Neogene of Izumo. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 2, no. 1: 1-9, pls. 1-2. (31 March) 伊都図書館(理系)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1924a. Mollusca from the Coral-Bed of Awa. Journal of the College of Science, Imperil University of Tokyo, vol. 45, art. 1: 1-62, i-iii (index), pls. 1-5. (3 Oct.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1924b. Molluscan remains from the lowest part of the Jo-ban Coal-field. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 45, art. 3: 1-22, pls. 1-5. (30 Dec.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1925. Molluscan remains from the middle part of the Jo-Ban Coal-Field. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 45, art. 7: 1-23, pls. 1-3. (25 June)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1926. Fossil shells from the Atsumi Peninsula, Mikawa. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sec. 2, vol. 1, part 9: 369-375, pl. 43. (24 Dec.)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1927a. Mollusca from the Upper Musashino of Tokyo and its suburbs Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sec. 2, vol. 1, part 10: 391-437, pls. 46-50. (30 May)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1927b. Fossil Mollusca from Kaga. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sect. 2, vol. 2, part 4: 165-182, pls. 47-49. (28 July)
Yokoyama, Matajiro, 1930. Tertiary Mollusca from south Karafto. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, sec. 2, vol. 2, part 10: 407-418, pls. 77-80. (25 July)
Zeller, P. C., 1848. Exotische Phyciden. Isis von Oken, Jahrgang 1848, Heft 11: 857-890. (Fundella: 866)
张素萍・张均龙・陈志云・徐凤山, 2016. 黄渤海软体动物图志. 421 pp., 492 figs., 科学出版社, 北京. [Zhang, Suping, Zhang, Junlong, Chen, Zhiyun and Xu, Fengshan, 2016. Mollusks of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. 421 pp., 492 figs., Science Press, Beijin.] (Feb.)
张永辂, 1983. 古生物命名拉丁语. 429 pp., 科学出版社, 北京. [Zhang, Yonglu, 1983. Palaeontological Latin in nomenclature. 429 pp., Science Press, Beijin.]
周春花・欧阳姗・吴小平・黎敏, 2007. 基于16S rRNA和ND1基因序列的中国蚌科丽蚌属的系统发育. 动物学报, vol. 53(6): 1024-1030. [Zhou, Chun-Hua, Ouyang, Shan, Wu, Xiao-Ping and Li, Min, 2007. Phylogeny of the genus Lamprotula (Unionidae) in China based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of 16S rRNA and ND1 genes. Acta Zoologica Sinica, vol. 53(6): 1024-1030.]
Zittel, Karl A., 1864. II. Fossile Mollusken und Echinodermen aus Neu-Seeland. Nebst beiträgen von den Herren Bergrath Franz Ritter v. Hauer und Professor Eduard Suess. In Hochstetter, Ferdinando von, Hörnes, Moritz und Ritter von Hauer, Franz (eds): Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fossilen Flora und Fauna der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, Geologischer Theil, Band 1, Abtheilung 2, Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland: 15-68, pls. 6-15 (available online at