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ブライダルダンス動画 Wedding Dance Video

2007年01月21日 | ブライダルダンス Wedding

写真は昨年ご結婚されたPeterさんとLinさん。国際的に活躍する二人の結婚式はトロントとハワイの二箇所で お式の準備中は日本に住んでいたお二人はJSDCに連絡を下さり、ファーストダンスのレッスンを受けました。その様子はこちら そしてお二人が作ったHPでこのダンスの様子を見れるよ。クリックしてね。振り付けはヨシ矢野によるもの。ゲストも楽しんでるのがよくわかるね

Peter and Lin got married last year in Toronto and Hawaii This international couple lived in Japan when preparing for their wedding. That's also when they contacted JSDC for their wedding dance lessons and asked Yoshi Yano to choreograph for their special first dance Click here for a picture from their lessons. Their first dance video is also available on line:click here for the video. I'm really happy to see Peter, Lin, and all the guests had a great time on the wedding day


このビデオ何度も見ちゃいます。I can't help watching this video from time to time

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wedding dance (po-chan)
2007-01-29 16:19:55
Thank you for your comment, dancing deer!
Yoshi Yano would be really glad to read your comment, for sure.
In order to choreograph this first dance, he was collecting different peices of work from different movies, actually.
It was so much fun to do, he said.

By the way, when are you coming back to the floor??
First Dance Video (Dancing Deer (Taking a break))
2007-01-24 15:29:55
 I have watched the video at least twice. It reminded me comic movies of 1950s~1960s …I even read their stories.
I like the combination of romantic rumba and fun swing (?) as Peter and Lin’s first dance. And, they did perform well! I like the background laughter too.
I cannot help guessing how a choreographer accomplishes each piece of work. How does he select the exact body languages from the collections and creations in his mind to best express his sense of beauty, interpretation of music, etc. while not forgeting to bring out the personalities and charms of different performers at the same time?
And what enables a choreographer to do his job well? Being a good performer and communicator; and being observant, sensible, sympathetic and knowledgeable…?
And how does it feel being a choreographer? Challenging, worthwhile…? How about the feeling of first-dance choreographers who promote sense of happiness?

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