お父さんと新婦 with DAD 新郎と新婦 as a couple

今月末、フランスでの挙式を控えたFumiさんとPeterさんのブライダルダンスの練習風景です フランスを含めて欧米の結婚式ではファーストダンスを踊るのが伝統。新しいものを取り入れながらも伝統を大切にする気持ちを表現出来るのっていいよね。アメリカなどでは色んな種類の音楽が使われるけど、ヨーロッパではワルツが主流
Fumi and Peter are getting married in France at the end of this month, and this picture is from their last lesson
In Western countries including France, it is a traditon to have a first dance at weddings
In the US for example, couples dance to different kinds of music, but in Europe waltz is the basic number and everybody's favorite at a wedding. Looking at this lovely couple, I'm sure their dance is going to be perfect
They are now on a flight to France..... Von voyage!!
ダンスが成功しますように♪ Wish them good luck!
埼玉地区の皆さん 9月23日(土・祝)は11:00からラジオエフエム浦和・レッズウェーブを聞いてね♪ 佐藤恵さんがパーソナリティーをつとめる「Weekend Passage」にヨシ矢野が登場するよ
If you live in Saitama area, don't forget to listen to FM Urawa Reds Wave on Saturday, September 23 Starting 11a.m., Megumi Sato, DJ for 'Weekend Passage' will interview Yoshi Yano
Of course, he is going to talk about how JSDC introduces American-style ballroom dancing to Japanese people
I hope more and more people in Saitama will enjoy American-style social dance in the future
ラジオ聴いてね Stay tuned
ファーストダンス(JSDCではブライダルダンスと呼んでいます)は海外で良く踊られるんだけど、日本での結婚式でも特に国際結婚のカップルには人気の演出だよ さて、そんな国際結婚カップルのYaekoさんとMarcoさんを今日はご紹介
Overseas, a lot of couples have a first dance at their wedding , but it's also popular among international brides & grooms
Yaeko and Marcos are one of the international couples who tried First Dance
They just got married last weekend and this picture is from their last practice. Check out the romantic finale
They danced a graceful waltz for their fist dance
Congratulations, Yaeko & Marcos! JSDC is waiting for your dancing pictures in your wedding gown, and for a report on how your dancing was
いつも応援ありがとね。Thank you for reading JSDC blog
Information on The World Tnago Festival In Japan, the biggest tango festival in Japan, is out now! The festival is in November You can't miss the Grand Opening Milonga, championships, and workshops by top level Argentine tango dancers. Click here for more information. Tickets are available at JSDC also
いつも読んでくれてありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog
今年の「パーカッシオ美脚大賞」30代の部に選ばれた杉本彩さん いつも素敵だよね。インタビューで「美脚の秘訣は?」と質問を受けズバリ
「社交ダンスをやってたことが大きいです 若い時が全てじゃない
これからも踊り続けてみんなの憧れでいて欲しいな ちなみに、20代の部でほしのあきさん、40代の部では秋本奈緒美さんが選ばれたよ。記事はこちらをクリックしてね。
Aya Sugimoto was given the Most Beautiful Legs of the Year awarded award by Parcassio In aswer to the question "What are the secrets to having beautiful legs?" she said,
"It's thanks to my social dance practice You know, being young isn't everything"
I hope she keeps dancing for a long time and stays beautiful Aki Hoshino and Naomi Akimoto were also selected for the same award. Click here for the original article.
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog