June practice party on June 24th (Sat)
教会のイベントでヨシ矢野がダンスレッスン&公演をしたよ。6月17日(土)に代官山のダンスホールで開催されたのは、「ジーザスライフハウスビルディングファンドボール」。キリスト教会の主宰のチャリティイベント 国際色豊かな200人以上のゲスト達と一緒に、ヨシ矢野がスウィングとフォックストロットのレッスンを行いました~
Dance lessons & peformance by Yoshi Yano at a church eventJesus Lifehouse Building Fund Ball was held on June 17th (Sat) in Daikanyama as a charity event organized by Christian church. Yoshi taught swing and foxtrot to more than 200guests of variety of nationalities
The guests also enjoyed Argentine Tango perfomance by Rieko Hayashi & Yoshi Yano
The left side in the picture, Alex & Sachie, the leaders of this event, took first dance lessons at JSDC last summer. Congratulations again
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog
Thank you for waiting, ladies & gentlemen
JSDC presents HUSTLE workshop tomorrow!! Let's dance to '70-'80 American hit numbers together
Hustle is really popular world wide as a dance that makes women look sexy and graceful
, but it just started to get popular in Japan. You'll get addicted to its music and steps for sure
Please join us and explore your world!!
いつも読んでくれてありがとう。Thank you for reading Odoru! JSDC!