JSDC had a quarterly workshop for JSDC club members on Saturday, April 21st

新スタジオでストレッチ&ピラティスクラス開講しました!かなり運動不足のポーちゃん、このクラスで体のゆがみや姿勢の悪さを発見しました・・・ 体を伸ばして一日をスタートすることがいかに気持ちいいかも発見しました~(わかっちゃいるけど実行出来ないのが素人というものです)
JSDC has started stretching (Mon 11am) and pilates (Fri 11am) lessons at the new studio! In this class, Po-chan (me), who had not excercised for a while, found out that I was in very bad shape .....Also I discovered how great it is to start the day by stretching my body parts...(I truly know how good it must be, but I just can't continue doing it by myself!)
Fitness professionals are waitng for you to discover yourself
気軽に遊びに来てね。See you in Class
JSDC starts stretching and pilates classes on the third week of April at the Shibuya Private Studio! Please join us and relax at our new studio
英語のチラシも製作中です。English fliers are going to be available soon!!
A shot from tango demo practice for the JSDC Annual Party on Sunday, April 8th
Other students are also preparing to perform the chacha, foxtrot, and other dances. Please join our Annual Party to see all the fun demonstrations
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog