それはもちろんダンスでしょ~ 心理学の観点から心を潤す月刊雑誌psiko(プシコ)の最新号(9月号)の特集はずばり「ダンス!ダンス!ダンス!~踊りが女性を美しくする」。草刈民代さんなどプロのダンサーから、各業界で活躍する著名人でダンスにハマッっている人々まで、色んな人のダンスへの思いを感じるよ。ダンスの映画や踊れるクラブなども紹介されてるのでちょっと見てみてね~。ダンスで人生変わったって言う人本当に多いんだね
Of course, it is 'DANCING'! The latest issue of 'psiko', a monthly magazine which offers better-life advice or tips from a psychological point of view, is featuring "Dance! Dance! Dance!- Dancing makes a woman beautiful" It includes a must-read essay by Tamiyo Kusakari, the famouse ballet dancer featured "shall we dance?", and other articles about celebrities of different industries who are into dancing. You can also find information on movies about dancing, night clubs, and studios where you can learn to dance. In this issue, again, I find several examples of how dancing changed people's lives in a good way
あなたをきれいにするものは?What makes YOU beautiful?