ShoさんとAyanoさんの結婚式は先週でした 写真は二人が披露したブライダルダンスの練習風景♪手の甲にキスって何だかとってもロマンチックでキュートじゃない
Sho and Ayano just got married last week
This picture is from their first-dance practice
It might be natural for Sho & Ayano, who lived in the US for a long time, but a hand kiss looks really romantic, doesn't it?? I'm sure his heart is in her hands
They wanted their wedding to be just like one out of a romantic, casual movie
, and the dream came true! We're looking forward to seeing pictures of your first dance in a wedding gown too
日本にもロマンチックな結婚式を!I want more romantic weddings in Japan