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スウィート15 Sweet Fifteen

2006年08月09日 | ペアダンス豆知識 Info

ちょうど1年前くらいに、「メキシコでは、女の子が15歳を迎える時のパーティはすごいんです」ってこのブログで紹介したの覚えてる?ダンスが盛りだくさんのこのパーティ、Quinceaneraと呼ばれるんだけど、これを舞台にした映画「Quinceanera」が今月からアメリカで公開中だよ メキシコ系アメリカ人の家庭に育ったマグダレーナちゃんのお話。写真の表情を見れば分かるように、ストーリーはハッピーハッピーばかりではないんだけど、やっぱりパーティのダンスシーン見れるよ。日本でも色んな国の文化を知ることが出来る映画、見れるといいね。ただただ日本公開を祈るポーちゃんであります

Remember my blog entry about a huge fancy party to celebrate a Mexican girl's 15th birthday? This party, called Quinceanera, can't go without so much dancing, and now you can see it in a movie "Quinceanera" starting this month (in the US) . It's about Magdalena, the daughter of a Mexican-American family, and as you see the girl's face in the picture, the story is not only about HAPPY sweet 15, but you get to see a lot of dancing in party scenes  I hope we can see this movie in Japan.... maybe next year??



最近見たダンス映画は?Did you see any dance movies lately?

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コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
映画 (ルミコ)
2006-08-10 23:51:33


えいが (ポーちゃん)
2006-08-11 17:10:17
ルミコさん、お久しぶり そう、今月4日に公開されたばかりの新しい映画ですよ~ 見たら感想お待ちしておりまっする。

ランキングクリックありがとうございます その一票がどれだけ励みになるか・・・。その力は大きいです 頑張って色んな情報提供できるようにこれからも書き続きます

Happy 15th! (Brenda)
2006-08-12 04:02:21
I haven't heard of this movie! I want to see it now...

It's funny, but sometimes quinceaneras cost as much as (or more than) weddings! In fact, my cousins wanted cars instead of parties on their 15th birthdays--and their parents agreed since the cars were cheaper than the parties!
car!? (po-chan)
2006-08-14 12:48:02
Hi, Brenda! My goodness. A car for a 15-year-old girl!! And the party sould cost more?! I still don't have my own car at this age. Your cousin is lucky....

I got to know about this party just a year ago, and got really interested. I'd like to be invited to this party someday!
Movies (Dancing Deer)
2006-08-25 15:50:12
Hi! I would like to recommend two movies I watched recently.

By the way, it seems that I cannot send the following comments to your 映画感想Form (now is 川柳form).

Good Luck with your blog!

Aug.25, 2006

(1) Be Cool (2005)

This is a comic movie starring John Travolta and Uma Thurman. It tells how a smart and cool guy, a former shylock and movie producer, made his first business successfully in music industry.

The movie is very entertaining –

You will be amazed at the gorgeous castings by so many big movie stars,

as well as nice Songs (plus, famous Rock & Roll singer Steven Tyler plays himself in the movie) and exciting dancing performances (Rumba, Swing, Hip hop, etc.)

Of course, don’t miss the scene that John Travolta and Uma Thurman performed a romantic Rumba. Some of their movements and using of hands created a slightly bizarre and funny atmosphere. But they dance with absolute confidence. COOL!

The movie is full of humors, even scenes of murders and violence can amuse you.

I am very sure that it will make you laugh a lot!

(2) Cinderella Man (2005, Starring Renee Zellweger & Russel Crowe)

The movie is based on a real story, telling how a fearless boxer, mostly unlikely to win in American boxing history, fought for his family and won the championship.

This movie has nothing to do with dancing, but I would like very much to recommend it, especially to people who need more inspirations in life.

But at least there is one scene containing pair dance – in a restaurant where the Cinderella Man dinned with his wife at the night before the most dangerous fight.

Are you a Cinderella or Cinderella Man in dance parties? Practice more and treasure your chances. Be more courageous. Miracles will come to you!

Thank you (po-chan)
2006-08-28 02:39:48
Thank you for your movie info, dancing deer!

I'll send them to mail magazine section soon.

Also, I'll be wathcing these very soon!
Thanks (Dancing Deer)
2006-10-02 13:01:22
Hi! Very comfortable weather, isn\\\'t it! Autumn is really good season for dancing! I hope I could improve faster!

Well, thank you very much for the translation. (Sorry for late thanks.)

Maybe I\\\'ll try sanryu after I learned how to write. It must be of fun too!!!

Thanks and Best Wishes as always.

deer (po-chan)
2006-10-03 12:47:26
Hi, Dancing deer.

I'm truly looking forward to reading your senryu.

I would suggest that you include your name 'deer' in your work!

What do you think??

Also, English senryu is welcome too.

deer (dancing deer)
2006-11-08 12:59:02
Hi, Pochan! How are you? I wish everything be fine with you!
Sorry for replying late and in such a hurry (no time to check and to regret) - Actually, I have been thinking very very hard these days. I read all that I was suggested to read, and I think I could understand all the meanings. Thank you really very much!
Now, I can feel that, God send someone he likes to bring messages to me, telling me: Hey, can you see, these are your weaknesses, but do not hide them any more and do not fight with yourself too much. It is time to be frank with yourself and others. He also said, never give up your efforts for things you pursue, but better not to choose the way that finally hurt both yourself and others. I believe he promised me, if you give up something already belongs to the other, I will make your soul more free and peaceful, and I will give you more other gifts in your life. Whatever the results, no efforts were ever made in vain – They always make meaning for your life.
I think I will never stop dancing. Dance is one of the gifts. As it is quoted, dance contains language of soul.
Sometimes I feel special, but sometimes I feel so ordinary. I am so ordinary.
Thank you very very very much, and all my best and best and best wishes for you!

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