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アルゼンチンババア Argentine Baba

2007年01月23日 | ペアダンス豆知識 Info

昨年夏にご紹介した、役所広司さん、鈴木京香さん、掘北真希さんがアルゼンチンタンタンゴを披露する映画「アルゼンチンババア」のホームページがいつの間にか出来てた~ いよいよ3月24日(土)全国で公開 前回のご紹介では、出演者のタンゴレッスンの様子もちょっと触れたけど頑張ったみたい!・・・とにかく早く見たいね 

Last summer, I introduced a new movie 'Argentine Baba' starring Koji Yakusho, Kyoko Suzuki, and Maki Horikita, who dance Argentine Tango in the movie  And now, I just found out the website for this movie is out The movie is going released on Saturday, March 24th, at theaters in all major areas in Japan finally I talked about how hard they were practicing dancing in the last entry...... I can't wait to see how beautifully they will dance


タンゴは人気あるね。Tango is always popular

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being very serious (po-chan)
2007-02-08 21:54:41
Hi, dancing deer!
Send us another movie review when you watch the next movie.

Waiting for your a book(~-')☆ haha
Dance movies (Dancing Deer)
2007-02-06 15:54:08

Hi, Pochan!

I respect Yoshi sensei’s modesty.

Now I feel that I really should make a list of dance movies and know much about them.

Thanks for your kind words and offer. I feel being overvalued, though.

You are really good at encouraging people!
I should make more efforts learning dance.

Enjoy spring! (^-^)
movies (po-chan)
2007-02-03 09:56:23
Thanks for your comment, dancing deer!
Making a list of dance movies...good idea!
I also like your suggestion for writing about social dance in movies.
I have a feeling that you know pretty much about those movies...
Why don't you write a book, and Yoshi makes comments as a dancer?!
I love Movies! (Dancing Deer (Back to the floor soon))
2007-01-30 12:47:01
I hope I could have time to watch all the dance movies. Maybe I am going to make a list of Dance Movies for myself later this year.
Hey, by the way, is it a good idea to suggest Mr. Yoshi Yano to write something (a book?) such as ’Social Dances in the Movies’ etc?

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