今年はいくつクリスマスパーティに行きますか?? 年末もたくさんいい出会いがあって、たくさんいい体験できるといいね JSDCのクリスマスパーティでピンクのブタさんにも必ず会いに来てね。チケット好評発売中です!お気軽にtokyo@jsdc.orgまで。
How many christmas parties are you going this year? I hope you'll meet a lot of people and have tons of exciting experiences during the holiday season If you haven't met THE pink big pig, don't miss JSDC christmas party! Tickets are still available Feel free to contact us at tokyo@jsdc.org
今年最後のダンス、一緒に踊ろう♪ Shall we have the last dance of the year?!
How many christmas parties are you going this year? I hope you'll meet a lot of people and have tons of exciting experiences during the holiday season If you haven't met THE pink big pig, don't miss JSDC christmas party! Tickets are still available Feel free to contact us at tokyo@jsdc.org
今年最後のダンス、一緒に踊ろう♪ Shall we have the last dance of the year?!
I am getting lazier when it is getting colder - hibernating and eating a lot! (high-vitamin C fruits are really very good against Cold/Flu!!!) at home. I cannot attend any winter party this year, because I am very busy (always a safe excuse ^-^).I am very sure that I will be more active next year, and I will not miss the most important party after the full bloom of cheery flowers.
Having a good weekend, a good time, and smile!
Sorry that you missed the christmas party.
It's getting really cold, but I hope you're having good time & trying to be active!
Hope to see you soon at the next party.