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またまたご結婚おめでとう Another Happy Wedding

2006年09月04日 | ブライダルダンス Wedding
秋の結婚シーズンに向けてカップル達も練習に励んでるよ~ 来月お式のAtsushiさんとMichikoさんは笑顔の似合う爽やかカップル!最後のポーズはカップルそれぞれだけど、お二人はやっぱりこれ かわいいね。お式までもうすぐです 練習頑張ってね

Fall seems to be the best wedding season for a lot of couples This cute couple, Atsushi & Michiko, are getting married next month The last pose of the first dance varies depending on the couple, and their their finale is this Very romantic & cute! They have only one more month to practice before the wedding It's going to be a great wedding!

いつも応援ありがとう Thank you for reading JSDC blog
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