プロバイダの件ですが、ありました。香港最大手のNetvigatorというISPがこともあろうに中学生のガキ2人にクラッキングされ、顧客のパスワードが12,500以上流出したと、えーとえーと...(探している)9月6日付けでHong Kong iMail紙に記事が出てました。PCCW(Pacific Century CyberWorks)の広報担当者の発表によると書いてあるので、確かだと思いますが、その後どうなったのかな。他の新聞では見なかったような気がする。顧客には連絡が行ってると思いますが。でも、そのまた少し前にやっぱりNetvigatorで、メールの送受信が一時出来なくなって一斉に苦情が来たっていうニュースもありましたね。
プロバイダの件ですが、ありました。香港最大手のNetvigatorというISPがこともあろうに中学生のガキ2人にクラッキングされ、顧客のパスワードが12,500以上流出したと、えーとえーと...(探している)9月6日付けでHong Kong iMail紙に記事が出てました。PCCW(Pacific Century CyberWorks)の広報担当者の発表によると書いてあるので、確かだと思いますが、その後どうなったのかな。他の新聞では見なかったような気がする。顧客には連絡が行ってると思いますが。でも、そのまた少し前にやっぱりNetvigatorで、メールの送受信が一時出来なくなって一斉に苦情が来たっていうニュースもありましたね。
Netvigator hit by teenage hackers
---Cyber raid 12,500 passwords in three-hour blitz
By Eli Lau, Hong Kong iMail
(Hong Kong iMail 2001.09.06 A6)
Thousands of accounts at the territory's largest Internet service provider have been compromised by hackers, believed to be two teenagers.
Netvigator, owned by Pacific Century CyberWorks (PCCW), admitted yesterday its computers were broken into by hackers who had gained access to clients' passwords.
"Information of individual Netvigator accounts have been exploited illegally," a PCCW spokeswoman said. The company declined to give details, except to say police were investigating.
However, one newspaper said the hackers, both secondary school students, had obtained more than 12,500 passwords in three hours after exploiting a flaw in Netvigator's security system.
The teenagers reportedly cracked an encryption technology called Data Encryption Standard (DES) and broke the codes used by Netvigator.
"Netvigator is constantly monitoring network security and protecting client privacy is top priority," the spokeswoman said, adding that customers were regularly reminded to change their passwords.
A police spokesman said the case was being investigated by the Commeercial Crime Bureau.
Anthony Au Wai-hung, president of the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation, said an "individual incident" did not indicate the service provider had failed to protect clients' privacy. "I admit that some ISPs can do better on security," Mr Au said.
According to the Commercial Crime Bureau's Technology Crime Division, hacking-related cases fell from 275 last year to 56 in the first half of this year.