游錫●内閣 第四階段人事一覽表
(東森新聞報 政治要聞 2002.01.24 14:50TWT/15:50JST)
人名、役職名参照は台湾の『Taipei Times』記事および香港の『South China Morning Post』一覧表(相違点がある場合は『Taipei Times』表記優先)
【總統府(Presidential Office)】
有給職資政 張俊雄(Chang Chun-hsiung)
秘書長(Secretary-General to the President) 陳師孟(Chen Shih-meng)
副秘書長(deputy secretary-general to the President) 陳哲男(Chen Che-nan)
副秘書長(deputy secretary-general to the President) 許惠祐
駐WTO代表(Representative to the WTO) 顏慶章(Yen Ching-chang)
【行政院(Executive Yuan)】
行政院長(Premier) 游錫[方方/土](Yu Shyi-kun)
副院長(Vice-Premier) 林信義(Lin Hsin-yi)
秘書長(Cabinet Secretary-General) 李應元(Lee Ying-yuan)
行政院顧問兼發言人(Government Spokesman) 莊碩漢(Chuang Suo-hang)
政務委員(ministers without portfolio)
邱義仁(Chiou I-jen)
郭瑤(Kuo Yao-chi)<公共工程委員會主委(Head of the Cabinet's Public Construction Commission)兼任>
林盛豐(Lin Sheng-feng)
陳其南(Chen Chi-nan)
黄輝珍(Huang Hui-chan)
蔡清彦(Tsai Ching-yen)
胡勝正(Hu Sheng-cheng)
内政部長(Interior Minister) 余政憲(Yu Cheng-hsien)
外交部長(Foreign Minister) 簡又新(Eugene Chien)
國防部長(Defense Minister) 湯曜明(Tang Yao-ming)
財政部長(Finance Minister) 李庸三(Lee Yung-shan)
教育部長(Education Minister) 黄榮村(Huang Jung-tsun)
法務部長(Justice Minister) 陳定南(Chen Ding-nan)
經濟部長(Economics Minister/Minister of Economic Affairs) 宗才怡(Christine Tsung)
交通部長(Transport and Communications Minister) 林陵三(Lin Lin-san)
蒙藏委員會(Chairman of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission) 許志雄(Hsu Chih-hsiung)
僑務委員長(Chairwoman of Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission) 張富美(Chang Fu-mei)
央行總裁(Governor of the Central Bank) 彭淮南
主計長(head of the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics) 林全(Lin Chuan)
人事局長(head of the Central Personnel Administration) 李逸洋(Lee Yi-yang)
新聞局長(Director-General of the Government Information Office) 葉國興(Yeh Kuo-hsin)
衛生署長(Director-General of the Department of Health) 李明亮(Lee Ming-liang)
環保署長(Director-General of the Environmental Protection) [赤β]龍斌(Hau Lung-bin)
海巡署長(Director of the Coast Guard Administration) 王郡(Wang Chun)
故宮博物院院長(Director of the National Palace Museum) 杜正勝(Tu Cheng-sheng)
陸委會主委(Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Council) 蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)
客委會主委(Chief of the Council for Hakka Affairs) 葉菊蘭(Yeh Chu-lan)
經建會主委(Chairperson of the Council for Economic Planning and Development) 林信義(Lin Hsin-yi)
退輔會主委(Director of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen) 楊智(Yang Te-chih)
青輔會主委(Chairperson of the National Youth Commission) 林芳[王攵](Lin Fang-mei)
原能會主委(Chairperson of the Atomic Energy Council) 歐陽敏盛(Ouyang Min-shen)
國科會主委(Chairperson of the National Science Council) 魏哲和(Wei Che-ho)
研考會主委(Director of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission) 林嘉誠(Lin Chia-cheng)
農委會主委(Chairperson of the Council of Agriculture) 范振宗(Fan Chen-tsung)
文建會主委(Chairperson of Council for Cultural Affairs) 陳郁秀(Chen Yu-chiou)
勞委會主委(Chairperson of Council of Labour Affairs) 陳菊(Chen Chu)
公共工程會主委(Chairperson of Public Construction Commission) 郭瑤(Kuo Yao-chi)
原住民委員會(Chairperson of the Council of Aboriginal Affairs) 陳建年(Chen Chien-nien)
體委會主委(Chairperson of National Sports Council) 林福(Lin Teh-fu)
游錫●内閣 第四階段人事一覽表
(東森新聞報 政治要聞 2002.01.24 14:50TWT/15:50JST)
人名、役職名参照は台湾の『Taipei Times』記事および香港の『South China Morning Post』一覧表(相違点がある場合は『Taipei Times』表記優先)
【總統府(Presidential Office)】
有給職資政 張俊雄(Chang Chun-hsiung)
秘書長(Secretary-General to the President) 陳師孟(Chen Shih-meng)
副秘書長(deputy secretary-general to the President) 陳哲男(Chen Che-nan)
副秘書長(deputy secretary-general to the President) 許惠祐
駐WTO代表(Representative to the WTO) 顏慶章(Yen Ching-chang)
【行政院(Executive Yuan)】
行政院長(Premier) 游錫[方方/土](Yu Shyi-kun)
副院長(Vice-Premier) 林信義(Lin Hsin-yi)
秘書長(Cabinet Secretary-General) 李應元(Lee Ying-yuan)
行政院顧問兼發言人(Government Spokesman) 莊碩漢(Chuang Suo-hang)
政務委員(ministers without portfolio)
邱義仁(Chiou I-jen)
郭瑤(Kuo Yao-chi)<公共工程委員會主委(Head of the Cabinet's Public Construction Commission)兼任>
林盛豐(Lin Sheng-feng)
陳其南(Chen Chi-nan)
黄輝珍(Huang Hui-chan)
蔡清彦(Tsai Ching-yen)
胡勝正(Hu Sheng-cheng)
内政部長(Interior Minister) 余政憲(Yu Cheng-hsien)
外交部長(Foreign Minister) 簡又新(Eugene Chien)
國防部長(Defense Minister) 湯曜明(Tang Yao-ming)
財政部長(Finance Minister) 李庸三(Lee Yung-shan)
教育部長(Education Minister) 黄榮村(Huang Jung-tsun)
法務部長(Justice Minister) 陳定南(Chen Ding-nan)
經濟部長(Economics Minister/Minister of Economic Affairs) 宗才怡(Christine Tsung)
交通部長(Transport and Communications Minister) 林陵三(Lin Lin-san)
蒙藏委員會(Chairman of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission) 許志雄(Hsu Chih-hsiung)
僑務委員長(Chairwoman of Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission) 張富美(Chang Fu-mei)
央行總裁(Governor of the Central Bank) 彭淮南
主計長(head of the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics) 林全(Lin Chuan)
人事局長(head of the Central Personnel Administration) 李逸洋(Lee Yi-yang)
新聞局長(Director-General of the Government Information Office) 葉國興(Yeh Kuo-hsin)
衛生署長(Director-General of the Department of Health) 李明亮(Lee Ming-liang)
環保署長(Director-General of the Environmental Protection) [赤β]龍斌(Hau Lung-bin)
海巡署長(Director of the Coast Guard Administration) 王郡(Wang Chun)
故宮博物院院長(Director of the National Palace Museum) 杜正勝(Tu Cheng-sheng)
陸委會主委(Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Council) 蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)
客委會主委(Chief of the Council for Hakka Affairs) 葉菊蘭(Yeh Chu-lan)
經建會主委(Chairperson of the Council for Economic Planning and Development) 林信義(Lin Hsin-yi)
退輔會主委(Director of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen) 楊智(Yang Te-chih)
青輔會主委(Chairperson of the National Youth Commission) 林芳[王攵](Lin Fang-mei)
原能會主委(Chairperson of the Atomic Energy Council) 歐陽敏盛(Ouyang Min-shen)
國科會主委(Chairperson of the National Science Council) 魏哲和(Wei Che-ho)
研考會主委(Director of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission) 林嘉誠(Lin Chia-cheng)
農委會主委(Chairperson of the Council of Agriculture) 范振宗(Fan Chen-tsung)
文建會主委(Chairperson of Council for Cultural Affairs) 陳郁秀(Chen Yu-chiou)
勞委會主委(Chairperson of Council of Labour Affairs) 陳菊(Chen Chu)
公共工程會主委(Chairperson of Public Construction Commission) 郭瑤(Kuo Yao-chi)
原住民委員會(Chairperson of the Council of Aboriginal Affairs) 陳建年(Chen Chien-nien)
體委會主委(Chairperson of National Sports Council) 林福(Lin Teh-fu)