

ウィーン医科大学心臓胸部外科 (AKH, University Hospital of MUV)

2006年10月16日 | English

It is difference between ordinary Japanese Universities and the Medical University of Vienna (MUV), although I do not know everything of Japanese Universities, that every surgeons have own research programs about clinical and experimental topics.

Even in medical students in Vienna participant research works under the direction of some professors. Some smart medical students have several research programs and if they are lucky, some of them can possess certain paper as a first author.

Moreover physicians and surgeons seem to be talented; I think they are something one who are in leading position in their medical fields. I also recognize importance of English ability. I feel every doctors seem to be native speaker, and large number of medical students also have English educated background.

I can't help thinking that it is necessary to make out English well if you will role important position in international medical field with no doubt.
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Ross operation

2006年10月16日 | English
Performing a Ross procedure, one of operations for aortic valve disease, is relatively rare in Japan, but it is one of standard valve operations in AKH, where has tremendous valver cases and is relatively easily available allograft/homograft.

A Professor has enough amounts of operation to accomplish stable excellent operative results, and achieved having high quality surgical technique. I think that is why Ross should be one of standard operations which can be terminated within 3 hours skin to skin without blood loss.

I really realize several issues including homograft availability, are pretty different of those of Japan allowing to be possible it.
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the pedicle SV graft

2006年10月16日 | English
Harvesting a pedicel saphenous vein (SV) seems slightly technical higher procedure due to cutting many branches compared conventional method.

The fascia and the saphenous nerve also should be removed with a pedicel vein graft. It seems to be more and less intensive method for lower extremity on the basis of physiological circulation, but the long term outcome with graft patency has been already proven.

I think the essential concept of it focus on non-touch technique during harvest; needless to say never infuse water. In other wards, you should take the SV very gently same as you harvest the LITA.

Apparently this case was second one in Vienna. You have to wait to see the result at least several years to confirm usefulness of this method.
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