The Boy’s Festival held on May 5th to wish boy’s healthy growth by the traditional event of Japan. The day is called “Children's Day” and one of national holiday in Japan.
Traditionally people decorated warrior dolls and took a bath with an iris or a sweet flag to prevent from something wrong or unwanted accident.
Grand mama presented my son with this bronze armor that is a pretty cool model worn by Date Masamune, one of the famous feudal warlords hundreds years ago.

Following traditional custom my family enjoyed taking a bath with fresh irises with faint natural flavor.
I do not know why but having a “Kashiwamochi”, a rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, is also sort of custom on May 5th.

My wife prepared the food materials to make it, and we cooked it and enjoyed having them after dinner.

He seemed much happier to take rice cakes than to take a bath with irises. It must be natural for small boys.
Traditionally people decorated warrior dolls and took a bath with an iris or a sweet flag to prevent from something wrong or unwanted accident.
Grand mama presented my son with this bronze armor that is a pretty cool model worn by Date Masamune, one of the famous feudal warlords hundreds years ago.

Following traditional custom my family enjoyed taking a bath with fresh irises with faint natural flavor.
I do not know why but having a “Kashiwamochi”, a rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, is also sort of custom on May 5th.

My wife prepared the food materials to make it, and we cooked it and enjoyed having them after dinner.

He seemed much happier to take rice cakes than to take a bath with irises. It must be natural for small boys.