仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2015年11月20日 | ★STARRY★

                                          HELLO FROM .... TRAVIS  

Stories from the past...

While living in Gifu ken for 12 years, I had my own English school. There was a big change in my life and I didn't know what to do. Soon after this big change and my confusion about what to do in life, there was a large tsunami in S.E. Asia, Dec 26th 2004. I saw on the news all the children who lost their parents and they needed help. I now knew what to do with my life, sell my English school and go volunteer for the Burmese orphan children living in Thailand. I did that for 2 years. Here are some pictures.

Khao Lak, Thailand. The first week I arrived after the tsunami.

My Japanese friends sent me many presents for the children. I took them to the learning centers where I taught the Burmese children English. 

The children had never seen a computer before. I took videos of them playing and then showed them on the computer, they were amazed and said, "Look at me inside this machine". 

The children loved to learn and meet a foreigner. This is a school we made in the rubber tree forests where they worked and lived. 

This is another school we made with a concrete floor and bamboo construction. Foreigners from Holland came to help and met me accidently. They asked me if they can watch me teach at the schools for one day. I said ok. After that, they gave me a large amount of cash and said please buy them uniform shirts and send us pictures back in Holland, then they left Thailand the next day. 

We are learning opposites today ! 

Other people came to help the survivors of the tsunami whom I met and they wanted the children to play. I said buy a parachute and they did. We played and the children forgot their troubles for a moment. 

Here, we are learning verbs and playing with balls donated to me from my Japanese friends.

This was a difficult time in my life but helping others who had bigger problems than me, helped me. 

                                Thank you for reading..... Travis 

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