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My favorite pastry

2023年05月19日 | ★STARRY★

Who could resist a soft and buttery sweet dough that is baked to become pillowy buns? Coated with buttercream frosting and topped with lots of grated cheese. The perfect mate for your coffee and tea. A warning though, one piece will never be enough.

I have been craving Ensaymada for some time now since I`m not eating sweets for a month because I need to watch out my calorie intake to lose weight and lower my blood sugar. But this time I have a reason to eat Ensaymada because my good friend had a birthday party last weekend. I ordered one box of assorted flavored Ensaymada as a gift for her. I ate one piece of Ensaymada just to satisfy my craving.

For those who are not familiar with Ensaymada, let me introduce it to you. Ensaymada is a type of Filipino soft, sweet dough pastry covered with butter and sugar and then topped with lots of grated cheese. It was adapted from the Spanish Ensaymada but has evolved throughout the years to become what it is now that is loved by many Filipinos.

Back in those days, Ensaymada was simply just coated with butter, sprinkled with sugar then topped with cheese. Additional toppings of sliced salted egg made them a lot more special. The Ensaymada that is popular nowadays is the really soft ones. Usually creamed with buttercream frosting and topped with grated cheese and extra fillings inside the bun.

What a delicious treat!


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