仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2024年04月19日 | ★STARRY★

Are you into video games? By now, I’m almost sure all of you have an experience playing a video game of some sort especially now that we are in the digital age where we can’t live without a smartphone or a PC.


If you are a 1980’s kid, I’m sure you’ll remember the legendary console game. The Family Computer!!! This was the 80’s answer to Play Station 3! Probably the most beloved console of all time! It was an 8-bit game console with thousands of addictive games! Yeah, you heard it right. I’m a self-confessed fanatic of this console game. Literally I`m playing morning till night with this thing. Children have gone made with this thing. Friends and neighbors get together to play it and trade games. I remember my mom used to repeatedly remind me and scold me to stop playing and sleep at night and sometimes hide this console game because my mom was angry because she said I`m wasting my time playing instead of doing physical activities like playing outside and helping household chores.


This game console has given me a lot of fun memories! I really spent hundreds and probably thousands of hours with this toy. I remember playing a famous game, Super Mario Bros 3 and it was really fun. That’s why seeing this game console inside the BOOK OFF shop, nostalgia hit me. It brings back all the good memories built together playing with my friends and especially my childhood.  



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